[GHHF] The Whole Christian Village Becomes Hindu Village. Poleramma Temple to be built. Donations Requested Revised

02 Jul 2021 3379 Views

Thomas Paine

"Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and torturous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness with which more than half the Bible is filled, it would be more consistent that we called it the word of a demon than the word of God. It is a history of wickedness, that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind; and, for my own part, I sincerely detest it, as I detest everything that is cruel."

As we mentioned earlier that Global Hindu Heritage Foundation (GHHF) is participating in Ghar Waapasi for the last several months in seven different places in Andhra and Telangana. We have 12 Associates working at the ground level to welcome back Christian Hindus back to Hinduism. We are also planning to increase the number of Associates (Pracharaks) to 14.

We started GHHF in 2006 and we have done a number of activities along with a number of court cases. Most of what we are doing is not filtered to villages where so much conversion is taking place in front of our eyes.

As you all are aware, the Hindu population is declining due to massive Christian efforts to convert as many people as possible. While we keep writing books and articles, engage in endless discussions, organizing Conferences, and participating in demonstrations, we are losing our Hindus day by day. If all the efforts we were doing till now had some impact on reversing the trend, it would have been great. As we concentrate on our intellectual endeavors, Christians are concentrating on conversion. It is time for all the intellectuals and activists to pause a few minutes and look at the ground realities. Our intellectual endeavors and activists’ protests are not reaching the villages where conversion is rampant. We cannot ignore or turn away from what is happening on the ground. Here is an example of the efforts by Sri Saidatta Manasa Swamy in Agency area near Visakhapatnam.

Our goal should be twofold:

  1. Stop the conversion of Hindus to Christianity
  2. Welcome back to Hinduism those who got converted to Christianity

How Christian Village becomes  a Hindu Village    

Sri Saidatta Manasa Swamiji went to a village in Agency to do Pranaprathishta in 2020. On that day he went around some nearby villages. One of the villages he visited was NGARAPALEM. When he approached the village, he found one Church at the entrance of the village.  As he kept walking, he also saw two more churches  - one in the center of the village and the other at the end of the village. Thirty five (35) families live in the village. All of them were converted to Christianity, except one family.

 As he kept going around, he was feeling some vibrations. Then he felt possessed by Goddess and talking loudly to the people around him that they are facing so many problems in the village because they neglected their Ishtadevata / Grama Devata and failed to worship her for their welfare, health, and  progress. Swamiji was possessed / entranced  by some divinity and fell unconscious on the ground. They brought water and sprinkled on him. Then he got up. In that trance, Swamiji said that he is Poleramma for this village. They have neglected the Grama Devata. They used to worship her, and she used to protect them. Then the Christians came along and converted them with some incentives. Then men started drinking creating many family problems. Swamiji in that trance stage said that they should worship Poleramma to resolve some of these problems. The villagers were following Swamiji out of respect for the last one year and asked him where Poleramma can be found in the village so that they can resume their dharma of worshipping. Many elderly people remember the promises they made at the time to Poleramma. He reminded that that the promises made at the time were not fulfilled. Now they agreed and for the last year they are worshipping to please her. Grama Devatas have to be satisfied and be happy to bestow blessings to the villagers. If she is satisfied, there will be unity, harmony, and peace in the village. By offering food items, their prosperity is guaranteed. The evil spirits are driven away by Grama Devatas. Demons and dangerous creatures would not harm them. Their crops would not be spoiled. Hence, celebrate Grama Devatas by setting aside all the differences based on caste, creed, religion, and economic status to remining ourselves that we are all governed by one Divinity.

                 Swamiji said that the only way to get rid of their problems is to worship the Devi as promised by their elders and also the present generation.  The villagers asked Swamiji where to find Grama Devata. He pointed to a nearby NEEM TREE and said that they should consider this tree as Devi and do the worship services. For the last one year they started worshipping the tree applying turmeric and kumkum and tying clothes and threads for her blessings. We can see how they are worshipping the Neem Tree, how they decorated and how they offered prasadam. All the families, who participated in worship of Grama Devata on that day,  they are welcomed to Hinduism officially. They were given sarees, gods pictures, Hanuman flag and Rudraksha. Only one family did not participate. But fortunately, their children attended the Pujas and received the blessings.

Churches Closed

               For the last one year the Christian families embraced Hinduism and stopped going to the Churches. Attendance in these churches is almost nil. Now the villagers have decided to write a letter to MRO to demolish them as they were built illegally.

Grama Devata – Who are they and what is their Significance?

Grama Devata means Village Deity, it is specific to that village. It is supposed to guard the village from evil spirits. They are supposed to protect the villagers from any impending dangers by prevent evil forces or evil spirits entering the village. In Valmiki Ramayana we learn that Hanuman flew to Lanka by crossing the ocean to fins Sita who was kidnapped Ravana. But Lanka is guarded by Lankalakshmi who the city’s guardian deity. She blocked Hanuman from entering the city. Hanuman entered the city by striking s blow to the deity.

               These Grama Devatas are usually located at the entrance of village or the gate of a big city or empire. They are usually female deities who are invoked by the prayers. People seek their blessing when they plan to travel to other places, or when they have special celebrations in their houses. In earlier days when the economy was based on agriculture, they used to worship different manifestations of Panchabhutas and the king of crops they grow.    Grama Devatas names reflect the crops, trees, and water the villagers depend on. If their main crop is Gongura, they may call the gram devata as Gogulamma, if they depend on jonnalu (sorghum), they may call her Jonnalamma. If water was important for continued water supply, they may her Gangamma. In honor of the natural elements, they may worship Suramma (symbolizing Sun God) or Irukulamma (symbolizes sun and moon). Nagulamma to prevent unexpected snake bits. Like this Grama Devatas have their history as to why they named the Grama Devatas the way they selected the names.

               Madhavi and Bhagyasri (2021) studied the prevalence Grama Devatas and concluded that “the grama -devatas are regarded as a more powerful help in trouble and are more intimately concerned with the happiness and prosperity of the villagers. The normal function of a Grama – Devata is guardianship of the village, but they are also believed to ward off disease and calamity.”

               The villagers usually celebrate Grama Devata on a particular month each year on a large scale. During this time nearby villagers are also invited. Activities like animal sacrifices, drumbeats, dances, precessions, body decorations and singing are common.


For immemorial, Hindus have been worshipping the nature and treat its as embodiment of divinity. Trees, plants, flowers, leaves, and fruits have been considered as sacred and worshipped or used to worship the divinity in these elements.  Tree worship continues to be prevalent even in modern days because of their nature and qualities and their association to different Gods and Goddesses

Neem Tree (margosa tree, vepa chettu, veppa maram, etc.) is connected with the goddess Sithalamma (small fox deity), and snake worship. Neem tree leave are eaten by mixing with pepper, sugar to ward off sickness. In some parts of India, the neem tree is thought to be a goddess named Neemari Devi. The famous deities in Puri Jagannath Temple are made from Neem tree. In one of the myths, the Sun God Surya is said to have been sought refuge from demons in a neem tree. Thus, it is believed that anyone who plants three neem trees lives after death in Surya Lok (Sun World) for three epochs and never goes to hell. It is considered as “sarva roga nivarini” – the healer of all ailments.


               Now they built a small shed and installed Poleramma Vigraham next to the Neem Tree and doing bhajans and worshipping and offering food.  Swamiji promised that we will raise some funds to build a small payer hall with six pillars, a floor, and a roof.

               As you can see that they placed Poleramma Image in a small shed and started worshipping. Swamiji welcomed all those families back to Hinduism. Now we have to help them build Prayer Hall for them to continue their bhajans and practice their ancestral faith. It is our DHARMA to encourage them, support them and inspire them to reap the benefits of being a Hindus.

COST ESTIMATEIt is estimated to cost about 3 lakhs. Donations are accepted.

We would appreciate your donation to continue annadanam to the needy, poor, Archakas/Priests in Villages.

PayPal Method: To donate visit our website. Click on the Donate button, then press the Purpose category and select “Adopt a Temple” Category.

By Check: Or you can send a check payable to:

GHHF, . It is tax-deductible.

RUPEES, if you would like to contribute in rupees, please either call or send an email. We will call you back to give you the required information

Visit our website to pay through PayPal or Credit Card. http://www.Savetemples.org

For more information, call Prakasarao Velagapudi at ; Email: ghhfusaorg@gmail.com


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