[GHHF] Bala Samskar students learned that TRUE Beauty is to recognize the special qualities of a person, not his outward appearance.
“The ideals which have lighted me on my way and time after time given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been Truth, Goodness, and Beauty. . . . The ordinary objects of human endeavour — property, outward success, luxury — have always seemed to me contemptible.”— Albert Einstein
Global Hindu Heritage Foundation gives a tremendous importance to teach the morals to our students. Moral stories are taught to children not only to entertain their minds but also help them to understand the values of kindness, appreciation, tolerance, patience, honesty, truthfulness, hard work and respect for others. to appreciate the inner beauty of a person instead of outer appearance.
In a village, there were two friends named Ramu and Somu. Ramu was tall and handsome. Everyone admired him. Somu was a little short and plain. No one cared much about him.
One day, a saint came to the end of the village. He was very humble and modest. He looked very ordinary. Ramu saw him and thought, “Is this a saint? He looks like an ordinary man.” But Somu went to the saint, paid homage, and talked to him. The saint conveyed several messages to Somu. He told many stories about righteousness, righteousness, and honesty. Somu listened to all of them attentively.
After a few days, a problem arose in the village. The well in the middle of the village dried up. Everyone in the village had a shortage of water. Then Ramu came forward and said, “I will solve this problem.” But he did not know what to do. Then Somu remembered the words of the saint, took the advice of the village elders, and dug another well. The village's water issue was fixed.
Then everyone understood that Somu was intelligent and good, even though he looked ordinary. Despite his ordinary appearance, the saint was deeply knowledgeable. As Vemana said, even though peppercorn is black on the outside, it is spicy when bitten, everyone understood that even though good people look ordinary on the outside, they have many good qualities.
So, children, you should not judge anyone by their appearance. Everyone has something special. Even if they look ordinary on the outside like a pepper seed, there may be good qualities hidden inside.
Moral of the story:
● External appearance should not be given importance. Judgments should not be based on outward appearances.
● Everyone has some special, superior quality. They should be acknowledged and respected.
● Even those who are modest and humble can have profound knowledge and wisdom.
Tips for teachers
What we should teach children by telling this story:
● Tolerance: Not to jump to conclusions about anyone.
● Respect: Respect everyone equally, regardless of their appearance.
● Wisdom: Learning to think deeper than what is apparent.
● Friendliness: Being friendly to everyone, not looking down on anyone.
Topics to discuss:
● Have you ever judged someone based on their appearance? What was the result?
● What did Somu learn from the saint? How did it benefit him?
● What do you think about Ramu's hasty nature?
● How should we respect someone?
● What is true beauty? Is it external beauty? Internal qualities?
● How do friends help in times of trouble?
● Discuss the importance of intelligence and knowledge in helping others.
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