Sugguna Karunakar of Shiva Shakti interviewed Prakasarao Velagapudi

10 Jan 2020 3268 Views

The YouTube link given below is the result of an interviewing Dr. Velagapudi Prakasarao by Sri Sugguna Karunamakar. The interview was done in Telugu language. Hence, this brief in English is presented.


                Karunakar introduced me by saying that he has been living in USA for about 55 years and we will find how fashioned his life in the religious and spiritual life. I introduced myself as hailing from a small village called Akunur about 25 kilometers from Vijayawada. After high school graduation, I spent two years in Hindu college and two years National College in Machilipatnam to receive BA degree and received MA degree from Andhra University. After working for two years in New Delhi, went to USA in 1965. I received MA from Michigan State University and PhD from Mississippi State University. After working for 36, I retired as Chairman of the Department of Sociology at Jackson State University MS.

                When I went to USA, I had no knowledge about the richness of Hinduism. I used avoid any discussion about Hinduism.  When my son was about 7 years he came back from school and wanted to find out when we will go to Church. That was the turning point that lead me to start conducting Sunday School.  It snowballed to start a Hindu Temple Society of Mississippi as a Co-Founder and Chairman from 1985 to 1991.

                In 1990, I had the opportunity to meet Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji and later I was appointed as Chairman of Datta Yoga Center (DYC) with many centers in USA. With his blessings, I coordinate different activities of Sri Swamiji including the construction of one of the largest Temples in USA –Karya Siddhi Hanuman Temple in Frisco, Texas USA. Recently, DYC bought two Churches in Chicago and California to convert them into Hindu Temples.

                After my retirement in 2006, I returned to India. On August 23, I was reading Enadu newspaper to my surprise and shock that AP government issued GO 21 allowing crores of rupees for the construction of new churches and renovation of old Churches. Consequently, Global Hindu Heritage Foundation (GHHF) was started in 2006 by a group of highly professional people in USA with the purpose of freeing the Hindu Temples from the government control by challenging the Endowment Act in the court of law, and protecting and preserving Dharma.  Serving as President of GHHF since its inception.

                In the interview a number of activities and accomplishments are described.

                                       Please CLICK this link to watch the video.



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