[GHHF] Balam Samskar Kendras – Students practiced Surya Namaskaras with special emphasis on Patanga Asana and its benefits.

24 Jul 2024 342 Views

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation has been consistently working to preserve and protect our Sanatana Dharma for decades.  We started Bala Samskar about four years ago. As of now we have expanded close to 200 villages to ensure that our children are protected from allurement and enticement,
What is Surya Namaskar? 
Every Sunday, we made its appoint to teach Suryanamaskaras to our children every Sunday. In Sanskrit, surya means sun and namaskar means greeting or salutation. Surya Namaskar is then a greeting to the sun! It is an ancient ritual of twelve steps that warms up the body preparing it for yoga practice. That is why it is practiced at the beginning of a yoga class. This warming sequence has a rich history and holistic benefits for the body and mind. Read more to find out about this widely known and ancient yoga practice! 
 Asana is a posture. There are innumerable postures your body can take. Among these, certain postures have been identified as “yoga asanas” or yogasanas. “Yoga” means that which takes you on to a higher dimension or higher perception of life. So, that kind of posture which leads you to a higher possibility is called a “yogasana.”
Butterfly Pose improves flexibility and reduces tension. It’s ideal for people with tight hips from excessive sitting or high-intensity workouts. It also promotes calm and encourages inner awareness
Stand tall, with your legs spread wide. Reach your arms out to either side. Keeping your neck and spine straight, tip your star to one side, balancing on one leg for as long as you can. 
The patangasana strengthens the back, hips and legs. The patangasana is also very good for balancing and good for concentration. The asana improves the coordination of the nervous system with the musculoskeletal system. 
Butterfly Pose offers several benefits and is a popular posture in yoga classes such as Hatha, Vinyasa, and Yin. Sitting upright and elongating your spine in Butterfly Pose helps improve posture and body awareness.
The pose targets the low back, hip, and thigh muscles, helping to reduce pain, encourage flexibility, and increase range of motion.
Improves mindfulness
You can use Butterfly Pose to develop inner awareness and to prepare your body to sit for extended periods during meditation.
Eases stress
Butterfly Pose helps loosen up your low back, hips, and inner thighs, which may ease discomfort and help you feel better overall. It can also have a calming, relaxing effect, which may help you manage and let go of stress.
Reduces depression
Practicing Butterfly Pose as part of a yoga routine may help improve mood and reduce depression.
And many more benefits can be accrued by doing this Patangasana.
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