GHHF Discussedwith Sri Ram Madhav our activities at the Ground Level and also about thelawlessness and Denial of Fundamental Rights to Hindus in different States

05 May 2022 1654 Views

Alexander Zinoviev,   

Russian sociologist "But I would like to believe Hinduism is toovaluable for humanity, and sacred Indian books contain too much precious andunique knowledge that it will not sink in oblivion. I’d like to believe thatthe principles of Indian philosophy and religion are much more in agreementwith the needs for the future than any other religion in the world,” Global Hindu Heritage Foundation is incredibly happy to meetSri Ram Madhav who visited Dallas the third week of April 2022. He was visitingUSA to meet and inspire Hindus across USA by sharing the achievements of Modijigovernment at the national level and BJP governments at State level. Hisprogram was organized by HSS and many Sakas in Dallas area.I:

GHHF Activities We had an opportunity to meet with him in private and shareour activities in four areas:

1) Annadanam. GHHF provided Annadanam toabout 150,000 people in two States – Andhra and Telangana. During the Pandemic,many people did not have anything to eat as they were not able to work. OurPracharaks used to get up early in the morning, prepare the meals and distribute mealsto people who were homeless. Also, provided a two weeks supply of dry food items topoor Brahmin Priests as they did not have income due to the closure of manyTemples. Also provided Rs. 5000.00 a Saree to about 150 Priests as they did nothave enough resources to pay their rentor even electricity bills. Also, GHHF coordinated and participated inproviding meals to First respondents in Dallas such as Police officers, Fire Fighters,hospital nurses, medical doctors, and medical staff in many hospitals.

2)    Ghar Waapasi. The main purpose of the programis to welcome back those Hindus who embraced Christianity for several reasons. Manyof them became Christians through deceptive tactics Christian Pastors used. Wehave 26 Pracharaks working at the ground level in five different States to talk about the richness of Hindu Dharma andthe nastiness of Christianity. We prepared a 52-page book comparing theBhagavad Gita and the Bible to enable people to find out the differencesbetween two faiths. Our Pracharaks goto the Hindu community and talk to them about all the immoral and nauseatingstatements from the Bible to enable them to understand the differences. Thiskind of knowledge would encourage them to ask questions when the ChristianPastors come to their houses or villages. Now Hindu activists have been askingseveral questions dealing with incest and ask them if that is what they practicesince the Bible commands them.

3)    Bala Samskar Kendras: In order to protectour children from the vile Christian Pastors who lure our Hindu kids to theChurch by offering biscuits, chocolates, pens, pencils, etc. we started Sundayschools for Children to teach them about the richness of our heritage, traditions,and customs. At present we started Bala Samskar Kendras in 150 villages to makethem proud of their richness of Hindu Dharma. We started these Kendras because our family is not able to teach the basics of Hinduism to their children. Schoolshave become anti-Hindu and are not able to teach about Hindu ethics, morals, andtraditions. Hindu Temples are not in a position to teach as the Priests arebasically trained in the performance of rituals, and worship services. Not only are wetrying to teach about Hindu Dharma, but we are also helping them to do homework togive broader knowledge to the children.

4)    Renovation of Grama Devatas. In many villages,we see Gramadevata Temple whose significance is waning because of a lack of knowledge.Grama Devatas have played a vital role in practicing and protecting Hindu ritualsand customs. Many villagers are recognizing the importance as they experiencesome miracles such as Devi coming to their dreams and asking them to restore theTemples, etc., GHHF  helped renovate 12Grama Devata Temples.Sri Rama Madhav expressed hisappreciation for all the activities we have been conducting over the years and wishedus to continue our efforts to make a difference at the ground level.II: Ram Madhav Book Release.        

SriRam Madhav is an Indian politician who served as the National General Secretaryof the Bharatiya Janata Party. He was a member of the National Executive of theRashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and has authored a few books. His latest is TheHindutva Paradigm. Other books include “Because India Comes First,”  “Uneasy Neighbours: India and China afterFifty Years of the War,” and others.        

Weparticipated in the release of “The Hindu Paradigm” book. He spoke about the significantportions of the book and how it should help us to focus on the spread of Hindutva.The Hindutva paradigm takes the idea of nationhood beyond just a land and itspeople to a sense of the national soul, where diverse peoples strive to live inharmony, and where the Rashtra is imbued with a sense of divinity andsacredness, held together by Dharma as a living entity. The nation is conceivedas a mother, as Bharat Mata, the Jagat Janani (as Sri Aurobindo saw it), auniversal mother to all mothers. The ultimate ideal of Rashtra is a globalsense of community, or Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam.        

Whilereleasing the book, he makes a strong effort to contrast the Hindu dharmicworldview, where not only humans but even the gods have to behave in accordancewith it, with the Abrahamic worldview, where god sits in judgement on humans. Thedharmic approach is that of a seeker, while the Western one is that of abeliever.        

Theevent was organized by the HSS of Dallas with their Saka members attending. It was very well organized and people appreciated Ram Madhav’s presentation. Freedom of Speech:We were talking about the denialof fundamental rights, freedom of speech and freedom to protest by some statesand urged him to respond appropriately to ensure constitutional rights.Central government cannot be a spectator when people are being punished and putthem in jail for expressing their views.

We appreciate it if you can help in hiring more people who can go to thesevillages to do Ghar Waapasi. We have employed twenty-six people so far. Morepeople we hire, more villages can be covered to welcome them back and alsocreate Chaitanya (Awareness) among the students and villagers.
1) Donate any amount to help theDharma Pracharaks to work at the ground level.
2) Sponsor one Pracharak: Inorder to expand our base and hire one Pracharak, it would cost approximately$3000.00 - $3500.00 per year. We have five anonymous donors who sponsored 9Pracharaks
PayPal Method: Todonate visit our website: Click on the Donate button, thenpress the Purpose category, and select the General Donation category.
By Check: Or you can send a checkpayable to: GHHF, . It is tax-deductible.
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For more information, call Prakasarao V Velagapudi ; Email:


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