Intolerant Intellectuals belittling Bharath; Why this sudden outburst?

24 Nov 2015 3042 Views

Intolerant Intellectuals belittling Bharath; Why this sudden outburst? Suffering from Secular Syndrome? PART - 1   


"If there is one place on the face of earth where all the dreams of living men have found a home from the very earliest days when man began the dream of existence, it is India." Romain Rolland

Recently, the so called intellectuals who comprise scientists, liberals, film makers, play writes, actors, writers, novelists, artist, painters, communists and other have been criticizing the government about its growing intolerance toward the minorities. They are angry at the murder of Muhammad Akhlaq in Dadri who was supposed to have eaten beef. Some say they are angry at the killing of Dr. MM Kalburgi, considered a rationalist anda writer.

These two incidents that supposed to have triggered these intolerant liberals to go to the streets, hold news conferences, return the awards, accuse the Modi government, denunciate RSS, BJP leaders, VHP and Hindutva advocates. These derangedliberals trying their best to thrust Hindutva fears in the throats of minorities to charge them with intolerance.It is liberals and media’s contrived story to flare up their loyalists to blame the Hindus for these two incidents. Nobody really said whether he was killed because he ate beef, or stole the cow, slaughtered the cow and provoking the meek Hindus to a fight. Any of these liberals know?

In an unprecedented manner, RSS leaders decided to go head on and challenge these intolerant intellectuals about their sincerity, seriousness of their outburst. The Joint General Secretary of RSS, Dattareya Hosabale,decided to declare that they are not going to remain silent and allow liberals to use RSS as a punching bad.  It is uplifting to hear that: “The RSS is not a punching bag for any of these so-called liberal, pseudo-secular, intolerant people. Where were they when Pandits were thrown out of Kashmir Valley and 59 Hindus were killed at Godhra railway station in 2002?" It is time to speak up. It is time to tell it like it is. RSS, VHP, BJP and Hindutva ideologists should not allow Hindus to be the scapegoats for these liberals. Every Hindu has a right to feel proud of their Hindu dharma and our Hindu leaders should lead the way as spokespersons.

Liberals crocodile tears

Arundhati Roy said she was “so ashamed of what is going on in this country.” She returned her award in protest against the growing culture of fear and censorship fostered by the government, who encouraged the “lynching, shooting, burning and mass murder of fellow human beings”.It appears that she is one of the paid employees and mouth piece of those who want to demean India. If the Lynching and killing has been done in India, why the Christian population and Muslim population is increasing day by day while the Hindu population is decreasing? If she is ashamed of what is going on India, she has every right to go to one of the 56 Islamic countries to savor the freedom that never existed.

She is like a carpet beggar who want to live off the crumps of Hindu land and stab the country at the same time for unknown rewards. Shah Rukh Khan, on NPR spoken out expressing his concern over what he called "growing intolerance in India."Can he ask the Pakistan government as to what happened to nearly 18 percent of Hindus living at the time of Independence? Can he be bold enough to say that the Islamic intolerance toward Hindus was the reason that their number was dwindled to less than one percent? Salman Rushdie, who was the victim of these so called liberals and the Congress Party, jumped into this debate, telling a local television network:

“What has crept into Indian life now is a degree of thuggish violence which is new. And it seems to be given permission by the silence of official bodies, the silence of the Sahitya Akademi … by the silence of the prime minister’s office.” What a sad commentary on the part of Rushdie who decide to sleep with his enemies, who stabbed him when his book was banned in India. How many of these liberals came to his rescue? They only wanted to please the Congress party rather than stand up for the principles of morality.

Motives and Timing of returning the Awards

Minority groups, Christians, and Muslims were able to influence their Media comrades to give disproportionate attention to the Church attacks just before the Delhi elections without ever reporting the actual data on the attacks on religious institutions. 

Three church attacked received all the attention nationally and internationally by the crooked media without ever mentioning that nearly 200 Hindu Temples were attacked at the same period. Why was there a hue and cry to this disproportionate reaction to the church attacks? Union Minister V K Singh said the debate over intolerance was politically motivated and artificially created by hatemongers of Hinduism. It was deliberately generated ahead of the Bihar assembly polls by those who are "being paid with a lot of money" in order to influence the Bihar elections.

Church attacks hysteria was created with the sole purpose affect the Delhi elections. Is it mere coincidence that these liberals raise the Church attack issue and Intolerance concernsjust before the elections? They wanted to affect the elections. Right after the elections in Delhi, discussion on church attacks stopped abruptly as if they have accomplished the task of defeating the NDA government.According to Delhi Police Department, 36 temples and three churches reported thefts in 2012; 69 temples and three churches in 2013; 206 temples and three churches in 2014. 

Myopic, biased and anti-Hindu media would not even mention how many Temples were desecrated during that time. For these intolerant intellectuals three church attacks are more news worthy than 206 Temple attacks. There is no question of mental derangement, myopic Hindu hatred or allurement of money and fame. As mentioned earlier, the intolerance charges against Modi government were hurled at simply affect the Bihar elections by returning the awards.  Right after Bihar elections, public outcry subsided by and large.

Government Position

The government officials are quick to respond to these intolerant intellectual myopic parade of news conferences to surrender their awards by dismissing the growing protest as a political ploy to discredit Modi and tear down the BJP government. “The entire purpose of these protests is to derail the development agenda of the Narendra Modi government,” said Sri Venkaiah Naidu, the Urban Development Minister.

“The country is being subjected to damage and unnecessarily wrong information is being given about political intolerance.” Similarly, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, who also holds the Information and Broadcasting portfolio, denouncing  them as “a manufactured rebellion” by the supporters of the Congress and Leftists “who have opposed Modi long before he became Prime Minister” and their “long-standing intolerance of intellectuals towards the Sangh and Hinduism”.

The intellectuals have been accused of double standards and giving support to an “orchestrated campaign” to target the National Democratic Alliance government. Hence, the critics demand evidence of the past history of protestors and where they were “when the country was rocked and looted with huge corruption scandals by the UPA.”

Where were they during the Emergency, the 1984 Sikh riots, and Ayodhya controversy and so on?Mr. Jaitleyalso called the protests “politics by other means” even though it is straightforwardly political. When intellectuals, artists, and writers protest against the government and its inaction in situations of communal conflict, they are making a political statement. But in doing so they are not acting as proxies for parties — they are speaking for constitutional rights that guarantee the freedom to live, express and think differently.

Why are they Silent?

Secular journalists who are angry at Akhlaq’s killing adopted total silence on a number of murders recently. In August, army Jawan Vedmitra Chaudhury was lynched to death in Hardevnagar, near Meerut, for saving a girl from molesters. In March, a Hindu man was abducted and murdered in Hajipur of Bihar for marrying a Muslim girl. Last June, a man was lynched to death near Eluru in Andhra Pradesh. A Christian teacher’s hand was hacked by a handful of Muslims for allegedly insulting Allah.

Balbir Punjargued with all the documentationthe Muslim boys are trapping the Hindu and Christian girls, marrying them, converting them into Islam. “After several instances of young Muslim boys enticing Hindu and Christian girls in Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra and several other parts of the country with the show of wealth and promises of marriage and then, ferrying them to Kashmir and other places, converting them and recruiting them forcibly into Islamist Jihad came to light, concerns at this Love Jihad were raised.” But these intellectuals have nothing to say about it and dismiss these atrocities as myths to promote enmity among the communities.

It has been reported that that the number of lives lost to terrorism around the world increased by 80 per cent in 2014, reaching the highest level ever recorded at 32,658. Do these intolerant intellectual have the stomach to chew this kind of news knowing fully well that almost all the terrorist attacks are done by the Muslims In November, Indian investigators revealed to the international Task Force that the Pakistan-based Hizb-ul-Mujahideen (HM) raised over Rs 80 crores over eight years, from several Pakistani sources, to fund terrorist acts in India. Are there any intellectuals who will return the awards for radical Islamic group’s plans to terrorize India?

Attacks on Hindus around the Country

If the intolerant intellectuals are suffering from short memory and are unaware of the atrocities committed by Islamic groups, please read and react. Why did these intellectuals not return their awards when thousands of innocent citizens were killed by terrorist acts? May 30, 2015: A 21 year old woman was gang raped by two Muslim men
May 10, 2015: Seven-year old Hindu girl sexually assaulted by Muslim school van driver in Usthi
May 4, 2015: Five Hindu SCs killed by Muslim mob, over a hundred injured, women molested in Nadia
April 3, 2015: Blasts at Belur Mutt
February 2015: abduction of a 14-year-old girl Tuktuki Mondal by Muslims for human trafficking in WestBengal has gone global with protests worldwide
May 28, 2014: Eleven year old Hindu girl assaulted at Ramona Village
May 27, 2014: Twenty six persons including a police official received bullet injuries when Muslims opposed celebration of PM Narendra Modi’s swearing-in-ceremony

May 25, 2014: A Hindu youth and four policemen were severely beaten up at Shajahan Sheikh
May 20, 2014: Assault on a newlywed Hindu woman by Muslims
May 16, 2014: A Hindu housewife kidnapped and assaulted for five days by Muslims
May 10, 2014: Muslims attacked a funeral procession at Hajarpur Village with bomb and firing in Arjunpur Village
April 9, 2014: Muslims attacked the Basanti Pooja festival in Dhalaghat Village and broke the Basanti deity by kicking it
March 30, 2014: Over 200 Muslims attacked Hindus’ village Sihipur when a Muslim was caught red handed stealing a cow
March 29, 2014: A popular Hindu leader Kartick Methia was brutally murdered at Sarar Hat Village
Feb. 1, 2014: Hindu Samhati workers were attacked at Sarberia Village
Jan. 1, 2014: Muslim procession on Prophet’s birthday forcibly entered Hindu villages, attacked Hindu houses and damaged as well as ransacked four temples. Hindu women were also molested
Dec. 12, 2013: Sarathi Maity was molested by Muslims with sharp weapons at Ukiler Bazar Village
Oct. 17, 2013: Durga Pooja procession was attacked in Kashthagara by armed Muslims after being provoked from the mosque
Oct. 16, 2013: Six Muslim families slaughtered cows in the presence of the BDO and Police at Dholkali
Feb. 21, 2013: More than 200 Hindu houses burnt in Canning, Joynagar, Kultali and Basanti Police Stations displacing 2,000 people
May 14, 2012: To retaliate against the murder of a SUCI Muslim leader in Tara Nagar, about 100 Hindu houses of two villages looted.

Can you imagine anybody who is concerned with the tolerance toward the citizens of the country would remain silent when more than 15 terrorist attacks inflicted the country over a three year period?" Do they not count in their liberal agenda? They have little respect for the lives of majority population.  Since all the above mentioned terrorist activities are done mostly by Muslims, it is acceptable to ignore the fundamental rights of majority population. Since majority of the liberals are afflicted with the disease of secularism and since many of them happened during the time of Congress party, they should not insult their favorite Party. Their goal is only to insult Hindu religion and destroy India. As far as the intellectuals are concerned they have nothing to do with any government other Congress party. It does not matter for them even if people elect the other government. It is not acceptable for them if the party at the central level is not a Congress government.

[GHHF] Intolerant Intellectuals belittling Bharath; Why this sudden outburst? Suffering from Secular Syndrome? PART - 2


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