GHHF Sign The Petition To STOP The Hateful Show Against Hinduism

10 Mar 2017 2678 Views

  GHHF Fully supports the petition against CNN to stop the show against Hinduism. It is scheduled to be shown on CNN on Sunday.  Before it is shown, we Hindus must sign the petition demanding CNN to stop the hateful piece on Hinduism. A Muslim by the name Reza Aslan has produced the show on Aghoras basically to create Hinduphobia and to distract the American public's anger toward Muslims. As we all can see that many Hindus are being targeted by Americans in recent days. This kind of show will create even more animosity toward Hindus. This kind of show in fact might instigate hatred toward Hinduism and further create more and more divisions based on "They and We" bigotry. Please sign and FORWARD to all your friends and relatives. Sign it today and show our concerns.

 Dhanyavad GHHF Team

Prakasarao Velagapudi,



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