[GHHF] Shri P V R Narasimha Rao's informal talk about Spirituality, Sadhana, and Kundalini with practical advice.

25 Jun 2024 360 Views

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation is grateful to Shri P V R Narasimha Rao for accepting our invitation to give lectures on homa and Astrology. On June 22nd, following a six-hour marathon session addressing the importance of homa and its benefits, he conducted a practical demonstration of Home, explaining different steps, and briefly talked about astrology and predictions.
In the evening, about 25 of our friends met at dinner. He talked about meditation, spirituality, balancing of Nadis, kundalini shakti, and the importance of Sadhana.  He said he realized how difficult it is to FOCUS the mind during meditation when you are not feeling well. This is why it is important to do sadhana with good focus when we are well. If we wait till trouble strikes, we will not be able to do much sadhana. Surrendering to the Lord and seeing him as the doer and experiencer through all of us is the ultimate thing in Sadhana.
He said one should pick some ritual or sadhana (pooja to an idol, pooja to a kalasha, homa, chanting of a mantra, singing bhajans, singing and dancing, silent meditation with a mantra, silent meditation without any mantra, etc.) and do it, whether for yourself or someone you are attached to. Try to create a structure for the sadhana that allows you to infuse some feelings. Moreover, one can argue that spiritual sadhana calms one's agitated/stressful mind, and in fact, it is needed much more when one is agitated/sad!
He does not advocate one type of sadhana over another. Some may like Nama sadhana, meditation, puja, or mantra Japa, like Gayatri Mantra. The real goal of spiritual sadhana is to increase internal detachment and dispassion.
Thus, eclipse times are particularly favorable for kaamya sadhanas that fulfill deep desires and nishkaama sadhanas that enhance detachment. Some scriptures teach that sadhanas done during an eclipse are 1,000 times more potent than sadhanas done at other times. Sadhanas of ugra (fearful) devatas are particularly effective during eclipse times, though any sadhana can be done.
He also mentioned that initiation by Guru would have more power than chanting one selected by Sadhaka. In fact, some powerful mantras can give Kundalini awakening and mystical experiences easier than other mantras. Kundalini is one's self-awareness. Awakening it may destabilize one's current self-awareness ("I am this body"). If one does not become self-realized right away, it can leave one neither here nor there, and self-awareness can feed on new delusions.
Some people think that Kundalini rises only in people who do specific practices (e.g., so-called Kundalini yoga or Kundalini tantra, etc.). For the brain to work within one, one need not know or think about the brain. It just is there and does its work. Similarly, for Kundalini Shakti to work within one, one need not know or think about it. It just is there and does its work!
It is Kundalini Shakti that limits/restricts one's self-identification with a body and notions like that. Due to its limiting/restrictive action, it is symbolized as a suppressed coil/spring. We blindly identify with a body and various notions without any kind of questioning at all. That is why Kundalini, the force of self-identification, is depicted as asleep.
The Kundalini is located at the base of the spine (corresponding to Mooladhara chakra or Bhuloka, i.e., the physical realm). When Kundalini rises, especially in the beginning, there may indeed be a sensation of a large current flowing up the spine. There are nadis and Chakras in everybody. An awakened Kundalini works its way through these nadis and chakras. Depending on how the nadis traverse, the experience may be different.
He explained the interconnectedness of Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna Nadis. One has to balance these Nadis, like balancing intuition and reasoning. However, direct perception of the Divine comes through the middle Sushumna nadi, which requires a balance between Pingala and Ida. Thus, those who are too structured need to become more spontaneous, and those who are too intuitive need to follow some structures so that the dominant tendency gets balanced.
Many of our friends appreciated his informal talk, which lasted over 90 minutes and was filled with rich knowledge and practical wisdom. We had to push ourselves to get up and go for dinner. We thanked Shri P V R for sharing his knowledge and wisdom. 
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