[GHHF] Ghar Waapasi in Nadavaluru Village in Ramachandra Puram Mandalam near Tirupati– Met both Christians and Hindus

19 Jan 2022 931 Views

 John Adams (American Statesman, 1735-1826)

"The divinity of Jesus is made a convenient cover for absurdity."

"As I understand the Christian religion, it was, and is, a revelation. But how has it happened that millions of fables, tales, legends, have been blended with both Jewish and Christian revelation that have made them the most bloody religion that ever existed?"

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation has organized the Ghar Waapasi program in Nadavaluru Village in Ramachandra Puram Mandalam near Tirupati Our Associates K. Reddappa, K. Subbanna and Rosaiah have been actively involved in visiting several villages in various villages and Mandalas in Chittoor District. They talked to the Hindus in the village about our efforts to welcome back to the Hindu field those who converted to Christianity and sought input from Hindu activists. Our mission is twofold: one is how to stop the conversion and the second is how to bring those Christians back to Hinduism. They distributed a 4-page document containing the rights of Hindus to encounter Christians and how to stop the construction of illegal churches.

Our Pracharaks talked about the deceptive tactics they use to convert Hindus into Christianity. Christian pastors are like leeches who want to suck the Hindu customs and try to digest and pretend that Hindu customs and traditions are from Christianity. Innocent Hindus who do not have any knowledge about the longevity of our customs, how long Christianity is in existence, they tend to believe the Pastors since they cannot question them.

               They explained the reservations accorded to SCs and BCs as per the constitution and how they lose those privileges if they decide to embrace Christianity. There are some cases where people are converting to Christianity from Hinduism but still, they take benefits of reservation which is punishable by act as it is against the constitution, for example, their name and surname will be Hindus but religion would be Christianity.

                They told many Christians and Hindus about the deceptive tactics the Christian missionaries use to convert Hindus into Christianity.   One can see all over the internet that many staged miracles are shown, where somebody who had a mental problem gets cured; a disabled person miraculously walks and stomach problems get cured. All these miracles are staged and show people with a mission to convert them to Christianity. One can see a video where Brother Anil Kumar, brother-in-law of CM Jaganmohan Reddy, says that he can cure any ailments, and can stop the rain. He has cured several people with his prayer powers, stopped rain and thunder with the power of Jesus. Anil Kumar escaped from a major accident near Jaggaiah  Peta in the Krishna district. His car was badly damaged in the incident. The injured Brother Anil Kumar was immediately rushed to the MJ Naidu Hospital in Vijayawada where he was given initial treatment. YCP leaders arrived at the hospital after coming to know about the accident. There is no major injury to the CM relative. Anil Kumar has been an active Christian missionary and evangelist. He is holding gospel meetings all across for several decades. The YCP leaders had a big relief after they found out that Anil didn’t suffer serious injuries. Dr. MJ Naidu held necessary tests and later discharged Anil.

Then the question is why did he not ask Jesus to stop the car? Why did he go to the hospital to get treatment? Why did he ask Jesus to cure the injuries? Does it mean that he is faking all these cures and stopping rains are mere deceptive tactics to make money and live-in palaces? Has Christianity become a billion-dollar business enterprise?

They distributed a 52-page small book and explained the most immoral and indecent statements from the Bible. In Bible, Jesus says that one should not love the world. If they love the world, they do not love the father.

Bible says that women are snare – deceptively attractive, something that makes entangled

               While talking to the Hindus, our Pracharaks highlighted the most preposterous statements regarding incest and sexual promiscuity in the Bible. They read out some verses from Bible and read aloud to sow a few seeds of doubt about what they call the Holy Bible.

Ecclesiastes 7:26

And I find more bitter than death the woman who is a snare, whose heart is a net, and whose hands are chains. The man who pleases God escapes her, but the sinner is ensnared.

Proverbs 22:14

The mouth of an adulteress is a deep pit; he who is under the wrath of the LORD will fall into it.

Proverbs 5:3-5

For the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil, 4in the end she is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a double-edged sword.

Tirupati is targeted by Christians

As many of you are aware that the Christians are moving into the sacred city of Tirupati and its periphery in the Chittoor District. They are planning to start converting within a radius of 50 kilometers. Christians are moving into this area to convert as many people as possible to make Tirupati a sacrilegious place instead of keeping it as a sacred place.

Although many Hindu activists are doing many things, their efforts have not infiltrated into the villages where the conversion is taking place on a large scale. As Hindus concentrate on their intellectual endeavors, Christians are concentrating on conversion. It is time for all the intellectuals and activists to pause for a few minutes and look at the ground realities. Our intellectual endeavors and activists’ protests are not reaching the villages where conversion is rampant. We cannot ignore or turn away from what is happening on the ground.


We appreciate it if you can help in hiring more people who can go to these villages to do Ghar Waapasi. We have employed 20 Pracharaks working at the ground level. More people we hire more villages can cover to welcome them back and also create Chaitanya (Awareness) among the students and villagers.

1) Donate any amount to help the Dharma Pracharaks to work at the ground level.

2) Sponsor one Pracharak: In order to expand our base and hire one Pracharak, it would cost approximately $3000.00 per year. We have five anonymous donors who sponsored Assistants.


PayPal Method: To donate visit our website: savetemples.org. Click on the Donate button, then press the Purpose category, and select the Ghar Wapsi Donation category.

By Check: Or you can send a check payable to GHHF, . It is tax-deductible.

By Zelle: ghhfusaorg@gmail.com

RUPEES, if you would like to contribute to rupees, please either call or send an email. We will call you back to give you the required information

For more information, call Prakasarao Velagapudi at ; Email: ghhfusaorg@gmail.com


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