GHHF Annadanam to Needy Priests in VILLAGES is being planned. Your Support is appreciated.

07 Jun 2020 3331 Views

GHHF Annadanam to Needy Priests in VILLAGES is being planned. Your Support is appreciated.

For the last two months many Archakas did not have enough resources to feed their families. Many organizations and individuals have concentrated in honoring the priests and their families. The Global Hindu Heritage Foundation honored about 140 Priest families in Vijayawada, Bengaluru and Kochin. Since the Lockdown due to the fear of spreading Coronavirus, all the Hindu Temples are closed. Now, many Pujaris / Hindu Temple priests are having a hard time meeting their basic needs. Many of them do not have any salaries either from the government of the private Temples. Most of them do not have enough savings to pay their rent and electricity. Furthermore, many private temples do not have enough income to pay their salaries. Recently, newspapers wrote about some priests begging on the streets as they could not provide meals for the family. That news pained so many people and some organizations are helping them financially. They are facing a grim and grave predicament.

Now Global Hindu Heritage Foundation in association with Samarasata Foundation decided to provide two weeks of dry groceries for each family living in villages We will be providing dry items enough for two weeks to the family. This distribution will take place mainly in Krishna District in Andhra Pradesh.


We would appreciate your donation to help the needy Priests with Cash

Support 5 Priest families for $100.

PayPal Method: To donate visit our website. Click on the Donate button, then press the Purpose category, and select Support a Priest Category or General Donation category.

By Check: Or you can send a check payable to:

GHHF, . It is tax-deductible.

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