[GHHF & SIFC] Rallies against corruption in India in US cities, DC and NYC on 29th and LA on 30th; Video on Corruption in Dallas by three speakers

27 Jan 2011 2443 Views




One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. ~ Plato

India now is witnessing not mere corruption, but national plunder. 


--Brahma Challeny, The Hindu, Dec 6, 2010


       We want to express our sincere appreciation to attend the meeting on the 'Rampant Increase of Corruption" on January 23, 2010 at Kokila India Cuisine. It is time to keep abreast of what is happening back in India and express our outrage for all the ills created by the government.


Let us remember the words of Swami Vivekananda:


If money help a man to do good to others, it is of some value; but if not, it is simply a mass of evil, and the sooner it is got rid of, the better. 


 Let us work together and express our outrage to get rid of this mass of evil called CORRUPTION

We request all of you to take active part in this monumental movement to free India from the rampant corruption. We your support to participate in rallies being organized in in US, India and around the world on the plunder of India (estimated to be up to 1.3 trillion dollars).  The recent 40 billion dollar 2G scam and 13 billion dollar CVG scam has created uproar in the country with Supreme Court itself calling the ongoing loot as 'plunder'.   What we are talking is not the usual problem of corruption, but the threat to very existence of India as a nation (See Brahma Challaney article in 'The  Hindu' paper as well as other BBC etc articles below).

India Against Corruption (http://www.IndiaAgainstCorruption.org ) supported by leading activists/experts across the country are holding the massive rallies.  Arvind Kejriwal,  an IIT Alumnus, a winner of Ramon Magsasay award, RTI activist is leading this battle with other activists.   They are withstanding police beatings in their struggle and are fighting for implementation of bills with teeth that will address the issue of corruption effectively.  They are holding rallies around US Cities at about the same time rallies are held in many cities in India.  

VIDEOS ON CORRUPTION recorded by Krishna Puttaparthi

Please spend few minutes watching the presentations by:
V. V. Prakasa Rao –          Introduction and welcome
Satya Dosapati                  Power Point Presentation - three parts
Dr. Raghavendra Prasad   Power point presentation - three parts

Please click on the link given below to listen to all the speakers:




  (We want express our appreciation to Krishna Puttaparthi of Desiplaza.us for making the videos available to all of us)

Rallies are held at following cities with contact information:

1) Los Angeles Artesia,
Sunday, Jan 30,  7:30 AM - 10:30 AM,  -- Sri Atluri,  srihari.a1@gmail.com

2) Washington DC, College Park, University Of Maryland,
Saturday, Jan 29th,  4 PM - 6PM,  -- Somu Kumar, somukumar@gmail.comfile://localhost/tel/+17037288987file://localhost/tel/+17037288987703-728-8987

3) New York, Union Square Gandhi Statue,
Saturday, Jan 29th,  11AM - 1PM,  --  Atul, atultech@gmail.comfile://localhost/tel/+12039874452file://localhost/tel/+120398744521 203 987 4452



What is at stake and why you should participate in the rallies?


While 80% of India's 1.2 billion live in poverty (earning less than 2$ per day) and 10% do not know where they will get next meal on one side,  on the other side it is estimated that 1.5 trillion dollars was stashed away in foreign havens.   If that money brought back to India, every one of 1.2 billion people will get 1 lakh rupees each.   The corruption affects every single person,  it shows in poor infrastructure,  it shows in the money paid for any Government work done, it shows in the lawlessness and Goonda raj.

It is more worse.  This lack of development is fueling Maoist insurgency that has affected 1/3 rd of the country.   The military purchase kickbacks and shoddy equipment is weakening India's military so much that  India today cannot withstand wars with its neighbors.    The country's mineral wealth worth trillions that belongs to all citizens is looted to the hilt by select few.  Even the donations of devotees (Hindu and Jain) at their worship places is not spared.

All the development being talked about in India is helping only 13-15% of the people, leaving behind a sea of humanity impoverished.  In summary, corruption impoverishing people, stunting development,  causing insurgency and weakening the ability of country to defend itself and eventually will destroy the nation.

What is the scale of scandals?  Just last few months, the 2G scam worth 1.73 lakh crore rupees (40 billion dollars ) and the CVG (commonwealth games)  scam is 60,000 crore rupees (13 billion dollars).  Every day it is getting more audacious, more ruthless.  According to Transparency International India ranks among worst in corruption, it stands same as impoverished African nations.

It is time to put a stop to this.  It is time to get the looted funds back.   It is time for India to remove the oppressive barriers to India's genius which until 1700's held 25% of World's GDP.  This genius is suppressed today with a small percentage of ruthlessly corrupt people.  




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