S3 Fondation Organizing Laksha Chandi Maha Yagnam from October 16-26 in Memphis TN, USA

24 Aug 2020 4412 Views

S3 Foundation is extremely happy to organize Laksha (100,000) Chandi Maha Yagnam in Memphis TN, USA during Navaratri Time, October 16 thru 26. To our knowledge, nobody has conducted Yagnam at this scale. Chandi Homa is conducted to invoke the blessings of Goddess Chandi – the fierce and powerful form of Goddess Shakti. She is an embodiment of power, energy, and the divine forces, who safeguards all of us from evil forces and creates a balance between body and mind.

               In Vedic times, our Maharishis performed Yagnas for universal peace and welfare; also, for clean air, timely rains, avoiding untimely deaths, increased crops, and peace of mind.

               During this Pandemic, Chandi Homa will be an antidote for the spread of Covid-19.  This home will create subtle vibrations that can affect the invisible enemy causing the havoc. Purification of the air, neutralization of negative atmosphere, nullification of political rancor, ease the mental agony, attacking the deadly invisible virus, and hoping for early solution to blunt the spread are some of the benefits we can accrue by conducting Chandi Maha Yagnam.

Laksha Chandi Homam involves reciting Devi Mahatyam 100,000 times, Navakshari Japam at least 10 Million times, and performing Chandi Homam 1000 times along with Navakshari mantra Homam at least 1 Million times. This kind of a Maha Yagnam is only possible with the divine grace of Chandika Mahalakshmi and all your support.

Gaushala in Memphis

S3 Foundation is a nonprofit organization started in 2005. It grew out of Sri Purushottamji's vision to create an organization focused on ancient spiritual sadhana exactly as per our Sanatana dharma. All events at S3 Foundation are free of cost to sadhakas. Currently, the Foundation has established a Goshala in Memphis TN USA, with 120+ Gir cows from India housed in a 400+ acres land.

It also houses a 30,000 sq. ft Yagna Shala, a guesthouse for sadhakas to do sadhana, cow-based farming and a temple. The Vedic fire ritual of Agnihotra is performed daily in the Gaushala. Past 15 years, the Foundation has successfully conducted several Yagnas such as Gayatri, Maha Mrutyunjaya, Gandabherunda Lakshmi Narasimha, Ayutha Chandi Homa,  Mahalakshmi Homa, and Chandi yagnas. Given the global crisis brought about by Covid-19, S3 Foundation embarked on the Laksha Chandi Yagna to bring about a wave of healing and peace world over.

Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji inaugurated the Gaushala in August 2019, performed Gau puja and gave a powerful speech, thus leaving many positive vibrations for its successful operation.

Importance of performing Chandi Yagam

Divine mother as Para Shakti is well-known to everyone. Chandi Mata is supreme power not only for the planet earth but for the entire universe.  She is responsible for the creation, development, and destruction of all life forces. She is Adi Shakti, Para Shakti, Gnana Shakti, Ichcha Shakti, Kriya Shakti, Kundalini Shakti. As the divine mother is a source of all cosmic energies great importance is given to her for her divine blessings.

As well-wisher and protector of universe Chandi is one of many forms of the divine mother.  We have been praying from times memorial to the divine mother as she is the creator benefactor and development of humanity. By using this shakti as guiding light and praying to the divine mother is Srividya which is conducted either by Lalitha Parayanam and Chandi Parayanam. The greatness of Lalitha is described in Brahmanda Puranam and Devi Puranam.   Markandeya Puranam describes the greatness of Chandi.  The success of Chandi or Durga is described by all great saints and gods by chanting of mantras on Durga or Chandi as found in Saptatuthi.

The texts and mantras of Chandi Yagam.

It is commonly considered and believed that there are 700 mantras in Chandi Saptatuthi.  However, there are only 578 mantras.   By considering Uvacha mantras, Arda shloka, Tripada shloka the figure of 700 mantras has been arrived at. Brahma, Nandaja, Rakta Dantika, Sakambari, Durga, Bhima, and Bhramari are the 7 divine forces that is why it is called as Saptatuthi.  As this is Chandi Homa it must be performed with great care and passion.

Durga or Chandi Saptatuthi has 3 texts and 13 chapters. In the first text-only 1st chapter is there, in the 2 and 3 chapters, and in the final text has 9 chapters. In this Madhu Kaitaba Vardhan, Mahisasura samaram, Shambu Nishambu vadhi, and Brahma and other Pavitra Devi Stotrams are mentioned.  Saptatuthi is performed in 3 methods - puja, Parayanam, and Homam. By performing in these 3 methods we seek the divine blessing of the divine mother. In the Parayanam, Dashamsa Homam and Dashamsa tarpanam are undertaken

Benefits of Chandi Yagam to society.

Wherever Chandi Yagam is preformed that place will not face sorrow nor famine. Natural deaths will not happen.   Praying to the divine mother and Parameswara is essential for the welfare of mankind.  

In this Kaliyuga there is no more powerful prayer than Chandi Parayanam is mentioned in our sacred texts. By chanting 700 mantras, Chandi Homam is conducted.  For benefit of humanity and for pleasing the nine planets, and for the defeat of evil forces, Chandi Homam is performed.

If we perform Nava Chandi Homam, Vajapayem (victory) is attained.   As per Markandeya Puranam, by performing Ekadashi Chandi Homam kings can be conquered, by performing Dwadasha Chandi enemies will be defeated. This is mentioned in Kanti kamalakaram.

By performing Shata Chandi problems not solved by medicine will be solved, prosperity will be attained.

By performing Sahasra Chandi, Goddess Lakshmi will shower her blessings.

By performing 1 lakh Chandi, a person can become an emperor as mentioned in Markandeya Puranam. This is called Niyata Chandi.


The vibrations created by the Homa have a profound effect on the atmosphere and surroundings. All homas are performed with an intention of universal happiness and peace: “lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu, Om Shanti Shanti Shanti”, which means ‘may everyone be happy, may there be peace everywhere’. Apart from this, every specific homa will have a specific effect or benefits, depending on the type of energy the homa invokes and enhances (the ‘devata’ or divinity invoked).


               S3 Foundation requests all Hindu Temples across the globe to support the Laksha Chandi Maha Yagnam to symbolize the unity in purpose. If you agree to sponsor the event with no obligations either financial or otherwise, please send your Temple LOGO via email or call one of the organizers.

               Th The attached brochure will give more details about the program.

Venue: S3 Gaushala, 7945 Deadfall Road, Arlington, Tennessee.

Dates: October 16 – 26, 2020

For information, contact: Ms. Sarkar (901-828-4735), Mrs. Deepika (805-403-0672), Dr. Achar (901-606-7012); and Mrs. Vinila (201-893-5578).


Visit their website to find how you can participate: www.Gaushalausa.org


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