[GHHF] Update on our Ground Level Activities July 11-20.

27 Jul 2024 452 Views

“I am a Hindu; I am proud to belong to a religion which has taught the world both tolerance and universal acceptance. We believe not only in universal toleration, but we accept all religions as true.” Swami Vivekananda.
Global Hindu Heritage Foundation was started in 2006 with a mission to preserve, protect and promote Sanatana Dharma and free Hindu Temples from the government control. We are organizing a few activities at the ground level such as Bala Samskar Kendras, Grama Devata renovation, sponsor a priest, making Hindus, Hindus: annadanam, water and Buttermilk distribution, helping Flood victims and a host of other activities. Visit our website for more information: www.Savetemples.org.
1.    Bala Samskar Kendras – Students learned about Life’s Lessons – Good and Bad, Happiness and Sorrow come together to improve our lives. (7/11)
In a small village an old grandmother lived with her grandson in a small hut. One day while she was cooking, her grandson approached her. "Grandma! Lately, I am not feeling well at all, headache, stomachache, fever are all bothering me. Even in school, I am getting low marks, teachers are scolding me, friends are not talking to me properly," he said.



2.    Bala Samskar Kendras – Students learned the importance of Guru and chanted slokas on Guru. (7/12)
The concept of Guru is one of the pillars of Sanatana Dharma that preserved and protected the very essence of human existence. The Sanskrit root "Gu" means darkness or ignorance, "Ru" denotes the remove or dispel. Therefore, one who removes our ignorance is considered a Guru. A Sadguru is the one who teaches the TRUTH to dispel darkness. Truth hurts. Truth may be harsh and painful. 
Tulasidas observes in Ramayana: “Sadguru infuses the power in the disciple to distinguish between the eternity.






3.    What is Ghar Wapsi initiative by the Global Hindu Heritage Foundation? (7/13)
“Ghar Wapsi”, meaning “homecoming”, is a movement that encourages individuals who have converted to other religions to return to their original religious belief. This initiative is based on the fact that many Hindus were historically converted due to various pressures, including socio-economic constraints, political influences, and coercion. Proponents of the movement argue that these conversions often occurred during periods of historical turmoil, such as during Islamic invasions, British colonial rule, and the activities of Christian missionaries who sought to spread their faith in India.

4.    Bala Samskar Kendras – Students learned Garimella Satyanarayana; a freedom fighter wo ignited people with his patriotic song to work for Independence. (7/14)
Garimella Satyanarayana was born on July 14, 1893, in Suramma and Venkata Narasimha in Gonepadu village in Srikakulam district of Andhra state. All their primary education was done there. He completed the above studies in Vijayanagaram, Machilipatnam, Rajamahendravaram. After completing my BA, I worked as a clerk in Ganjam Collector's office and for some time as a teacher in Vizianagaram High School. After that, he participated in the freedom movement.


5.    Why should I Donate to Organizations like GHHF - Shishir Katote (7/15)
After the Mahabharata war ended, Krishna asked Arjuna to leave his chariot before He did. When Arjuna left the chariot, it turned into ashes within a moment. Arjuna wondered and asked Krishna how it happened. Krishna said that the mighty warriors like Bheeshma, Drona and Karna had thrown their divine weapons on this chariot with intensity so fierce that even after being celestial; it was destined to be destroyed on the first day of war itself. But because of His presence in it, it could survive the onslaught. Hence, Krishna played an invisible but the most important role in letting pandavas with the war.

6.    Bala Samskar Kendras – Students learned how a greedy person realized his mistake and spent his life in harmony with everyone. (7/16)
Greed is the root of sorrow: A businessman named Govindaiah was very greedy. An intoxicated person who wants to gain from the other person by making the other person uncomfortable in any bargaining. One day he was going to Patna through the forest path. There is no one with him. If you see him, you will see him as a merchant, a friend, and a hustler. A sage with a mutilated body was lying near a tree while walking in the forest path. When he heard him saying 'thirsty...thirsty', Govindaiah went and poured fresh water into Munishwar mouth. Muni opened his eyes and said, "You quenched my thirst in the last hours. Your goodness will not be forgotten. This is the last minute for me. Death will approach me in a minute. Ask for any boon immediately... I can grant it."

7.    Performed Shiva Abhishekam, organized Bhajans in a cave on the top of the Mountain to revive the past glory of the Sri Ramalingeswara Temple in a Village near Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh. (7/17)
Today in Gadepalli village, the ancient temple of Sri Ramalingeswara Swamy has been built on the top of the hill, according to the information of the villagers, all the Hindu relatives in the village went to the hill to see the temple.
India is known for magnificent Temples built over so many centuries. Temples were not only important sites for religious worship but also served as centers of learning, art, community gatherings and festivals. Temples held great wealth and were the pride of the communities in which they were built. Such temples became targets for foreign invasion or destruction. Conquering temples could be a source of wealth, social and political control.

8.    Bala Samskar Kendras – Students learned about Mangal Pandey, his revolt against British and his death by hanging. (7/18)
Mangal Pandey was born on 19 July 1827 to Nagwada Diwakar Pandey in Uttar Pradesh. As a child, he attended science school and studied surgery. Mangal Pandey served as a sepoy in the 34th Bengal Regiment in the British Army. The British used to give the sepoys bullet cartridges made of cow fat. The cartridge was thought to be greased with animal fat, mainly from cows and pigs, which Hindus and Muslims, respectively, could not eat (the former a holy animal of the Hindus and the latter being abhorrent to Muslims). Before use, the cartridges had to be bitten at one end. Some Indian troops in some regiments believed it was a deliberate act by the British to defile their religions.

9.    Shiva Abhishekam in every house was conducted, cow puja was performed, and Bhajans were conducted in a Dalit Community to make them feel united.(7/19)
First, everyone performed Gaupuja and circumambulated the cow. The cow is the most sacred of all the animals of Hinduism. It is known as Kamadhenu, or the divine cow, and the giver of all desires. According to legend, she emerged from the ocean of milk at the time of samudramanthan or the great churning of the ocean by the gods and demons. It is believed that Brahma gave life to priests and cows same time so that the priests could recite religious scriptures while cows could afford ghee (clarified butter) as offering in rituals. Anyone who kills cows or allows others to kill them is deemed to rot in hell as many years as there are hairs upon his body.






10.    Last Burial rites were performed to Gaumata as per our customs; Importance of burying the dead Gaumata. (7/20)
Sri Gopi Krishna Achary talked about the significance of and impact of burying in the open land or fertile land.  According to the saying “Gao Visvasya Matarah”, cow is the mother of everything in this universe.  When we are born in mother's womb, we drink mother's milk only till a certain age. But cow's milk is best for our life from birth till death. “Visvasyamataraha” means mother of all universe. What is special about such a cow is that there are 33 crore deities in cows. Our Hindu tradition says that only one cow has this opportunity. Each part of cow i.e. eye, legs, belly, like this, there is one God. 






Donations are appreciated;
By Zelle: ghhfusaorg@gmail.com
PayPal: savetemples.org
By Check: You can also send a check payable to GHHF,14726 Harmony Lane, Frisco, TX 75035.
It is tax-deductible.
By Rupees: call 601-918-7111; +91 83096 43979


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