
[GHHF] Bala Samskar Kendras – Students learned about a great patriot Uddam Singh who was hanged to free India from British.

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation started with a mission to preserve, protect and promote the richness of Sanatana Dharma. To accomplish this goal, we felt that it is the utmost of the hour to teach about our culture, traditions, mantras, rituals, morals, and our national heroes. This week, our teachers talked about a great freedom fighter named Uddam Singh.

26 Jul 2024

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[GHHF] Bala Samskar Kendras – Students learned about a great patriot Uddam Singh who was hanged to free India from British.

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation started with a mission to preserve, protect and promote the richness of Sanatana Dharma. To accomplish this goal, we felt that it is the utmost of the hour to teach about our culture, traditions, mantras, rituals, morals, and our national heroes. This week, our teachers talked about a great freedom fighter named Uddam Singh. He is the hero who waited for 21 years to kill General O Dyer who was responsible for the Jallianwala Bagh massacre and finally killed the scoundrel and kissed the pyre. "On April 13, 1919, a 19-year-old boy came from an orphanage to provide fresh water to the participants of a peaceful freedom struggle meeting at Jallianwala Bagh in Amritsar. Suddenly, the British army opened fire on the unarmed crowd. Over 1,000 people were killed and over 2,000 were injured. The boy somehow survived the incident, but he was shocked to see the corpses around him and vowed to kill those who were responsible for the incident and took the blood-soaked soil in his hands. He learned to shoot a gun and worked with revolutionary heroes to achieve his desired goal. In that order he also served five years in prison. After being released from jail, he took a bath in the Sarovaram in front of the Golden Temple and swore that he would not return until he killed Dyer in London. For that, he traveled through France, Switzerland and Austria and reached London in 1934. Even though there were opportunities to kill Dyer at times, he felt that the British atrocities needed to be known to the world, that is, a proper platform was needed. On March 13, 1940, knowing that Dyer was going to give a lecture in Coxton Hall, he put a revolver in a book and hid the weapon in it. In the court, Uddham Singh said, "I don't think what I did was wrong. "I thought it was my responsibility to find out the factors behind the Jallianwala Bagh incident," he said. On July 31 of the same year, Uddham Singh was hanged in Pentonville Jail in London UK. Deeply scarred by the Jallianwala massacre and full of anger against the British, Udham Singh soon got involved in the freedom struggle that was then unfolding both in India and in foreign countries. He travelled to East Africa in the early 1920s working as a laborer before arriving in the USA. For some time, he even worked as a toolmaker at the factory of Ford in Detroit. While in San Francisco, he met up with the members of the Ghadar Party, which comprised of immigrant Punjabi-Sikhs who were conducting a revolutionary movement from the USA to free India from the tyrannical British rule. For the next few years, he travelled all over America to garner support for their activities assuming a number of aliases like Sher Singh, Ude Singh, and Frank Brazil. In 1974, more than three decades after his death, at the behest of MLA Sadhu Singh Thind Udham Singh’s mortal remains were exhumed and returned to India. The casket, brought back personally by Thind was received by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, Giani Zail Singh, the then chief minister of Punjab, and Shankar Dayal Sharma, the then President of the Congress party. Subsequently, Udham Singh was cremated according to Sikh rites at Sunam, his birthplace, and his ashes were immersed in the waters of the River Sutlej. A part of the ashes was retained and are now kept in a sealed urn at Jallianwala Bagh. "Let's pay tribute to the hero Uddham Singh on his death anniversary, who showed the society that it is not enough to have a goal to achieve great things, but also to sacrifice one's life for the achievement of that goal. ". Donations are appreciated; By Zelle: PayPal: By Check: You can also send a check payable to GHHF,14726 Harmony Lane, Frisco, TX 75035. It is tax-deductible. By Rupees: call 601-918-7111; +91 83096 43979 {{album_1160}}
26 Jul 2024

[GHHF Assam] Summary of activities over the last 15 days – recovery of Love Jihad Girl, Advocates Forum, Flood Relief work, Skill development activities, etc.

“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson Global Hindu Heritage Foundation is very happy to organize numerous activities to protect Sanatana Dhara, protect our Hindu girls, provide skill development activities, attended Advocated Forum meeting and provided flood relief work for thousands of people. Our GHHF Board member Sri Samrat Dutt spends countless hours working on the ground level with eyes wide open for opportunities to serve Hindu Dharma and go to extra mile to help the needy. 1. Legal support to Muslim girl Meherjan Begum and her lover Sudip Shill.  Meherjan fell in love with Hindu boy Sudip Shill and they decided to get married but Muslim family of the girl didn't allow as such both of them eloped. After that father of the girl lodged FIR against Hindu boy and FIR got registered under 366a IPC. Police recovered both the girl and the boy and boy sent to judicial custody and the girl sent to counseling home. Girl wants to stay with Hindu boy, and she is ready to embrace Hinduism.  Family members of Hindu boy contacted us. On behalf of Hindu Advocates Forum, we have taken up the case. We will fight for a boy and girl.  2. Legal, financial support to Hindu boy Raja Kumar who is in live in relationship with Muslim girl Safia. Safia and Raza both are studying in college, and both are staying away from their village home. After knowing about the live in relationship of the Muslim girl to Hindu boy, PFI cadres tried to assault Hindu boy, but our GHHF college students gave protection to him. Then the PFI cadres informed the matter to family members of Muslim girl and told him to delete all photos, videos from the Mobile of Hindu boy. Boy came to my home day before yesterday. As the girl’s family is a resident of Nilambazar and we have our team there, so that this matter will be handled by the GHHF Nilambazar team and we in Silchar have arranged one residential accommodation for this boy.  3. GHHF Assam Team and Bala Samskar Kendras took out Ratha Yatra rally on the auspicious occasion of Ratha Yatra. Hundreds of villagers along with children participated. 4. Special invitation to Hindu Advocates Forum. District Bar Association celebrated its 150th anniversary. Office bearers of Hindu Advocates Forum were specially invited on this occasion. I along with Assam State working committee members participated on this occasion. Justice Sri Suman Shyam, Guwahati High court was the guest of honor along with other dignitaries. There are 5 advocates organization are working in south Assam, but we (Hindu Advocates Forum) were the only organization who have been specially invited on this occasion. 5. Handicraft course under Skill development Centre is going on in full swing. 30 more Adivasi girls enrolled. A total of 120 Adivasi girls are under training. 6. Flood relief - Summary of Cyclone and Flood relief activity of GHHF Assam. Served cooked meals for 6700 people; Distributed dry foods items for 275 families Distributed baby foods, milk for 134 children; Distributed cattle feed for 65 cows. Total area visited by GHHF team- 40-45 places. A Total number of villages covered by GHHF team was 77. 7. Door to door Book distribution on Love jihad. 170 houses, two temples touched in last 15 days. Booklet on Love jihad distributed to 170 houses and 80 devotees of two temples. All total 250 books distributed. Donations are appreciated; By Zelle: PayPal: By Check: You can also send a check payable to GHHF,14726 Harmony Lane, Frisco, TX 75035. It is tax-deductible. By Rupees: call 601-918-7111; +91 83096 43979 {{album_1159}}
25 Jul 2024

[GHHF] Balam Samskar Kendras – Students practiced Surya Namaskaras with special emphasis on Patanga Asana and its benefits.

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation has been consistently working to preserve and protect our Sanatana Dharma for decades.  We started Bala Samskar about four years ago. As of now we have expanded close to 200 villages to ensure that our children are protected from allurement and enticement, What is Surya Namaskar?  Every Sunday, we made its appoint to teach Suryanamaskaras to our children every Sunday. In Sanskrit, surya means sun and namaskar means greeting or salutation. Surya Namaskar is then a greeting to the sun! It is an ancient ritual of twelve steps that warms up the body preparing it for yoga practice. That is why it is practiced at the beginning of a yoga class. This warming sequence has a rich history and holistic benefits for the body and mind. Read more to find out about this widely known and ancient yoga practice!   Asana is a posture. There are innumerable postures your body can take. Among these, certain postures have been identified as “yoga asanas” or yogasanas. “Yoga” means that which takes you on to a higher dimension or higher perception of life. So, that kind of posture which leads you to a higher possibility is called a “yogasana.” PATANGASANA Or THE KITE POSE  Butterfly Pose improves flexibility and reduces tension. It’s ideal for people with tight hips from excessive sitting or high-intensity workouts. It also promotes calm and encourages inner awareness Stand tall, with your legs spread wide. Reach your arms out to either side. Keeping your neck and spine straight, tip your star to one side, balancing on one leg for as long as you can.  The patangasana strengthens the back, hips and legs. The patangasana is also very good for balancing and good for concentration. The asana improves the coordination of the nervous system with the musculoskeletal system.  Benefits Butterfly Pose offers several benefits and is a popular posture in yoga classes such as Hatha, Vinyasa, and Yin. Sitting upright and elongating your spine in Butterfly Pose helps improve posture and body awareness. The pose targets the low back, hip, and thigh muscles, helping to reduce pain, encourage flexibility, and increase range of motion. Improves mindfulness You can use Butterfly Pose to develop inner awareness and to prepare your body to sit for extended periods during meditation. Eases stress Butterfly Pose helps loosen up your low back, hips, and inner thighs, which may ease discomfort and help you feel better overall. It can also have a calming, relaxing effect, which may help you manage and let go of stress. Reduces depression Practicing Butterfly Pose as part of a yoga routine may help improve mood and reduce depression. And many more benefits can be accrued by doing this Patangasana. Donations are appreciated; By Zelle: PayPal: By Check: You can also send a check payable to GHHF,14726 Harmony Lane, Frisco, TX 75035. It is tax-deductible. By Rupees: call 601-918-7111; +91 83096 43979 {{album_1158}}
24 Jul 2024

[GHHF] Nagara Sankirtana was done on Vyasa Guru Purnimas going around village streets and Temples in Early Morning hours to purify the villages and instill spirituality.

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation is constantly looking for opportunities to awaken Hindus, bring them together, make them proud of their Sanatana Dharma and allow them to participate in the festivals and unite them to preserve our ancient culture. Sri Gopi Krishna Chary, Ravi, Arjun, Hanumanthu, Eranna and others coordinated the effort. It is planned to organize Nagara Sankirtana on every Purnima.  On Vyasa Guru Purnima, GHHF Nama Sankirtana group started the singing procession from the Center of Kalyanadurgam, at 4:30 a.m. in the morning, at the dawn of Sri Rama Mandir, through the streets of Kalyanadurgam singing Bhajan Sankirtans and chanting Jai Sri Ram Jai Jai Sri Ram.  Our Bhajan Mandal went through Shiva Temple, Narasimha Swamy Temple, Anjaneya Swamy Temple Sunkalamma Devi, Kollapuramma Devi, Maramma Mother and other temples.  On occasions, Sri Gopi Krishna Chary expressed happiness that Hindus are doing a good program by placing sticks on the photo of Rama. Nagar Kirtan or Nagar Sankirtans is a tradition in Hindu religions involving the processional singing of songs describing the holy hymns by a group of people in a residential area. Nagara Sankeerthana means organizing group chanting of religious songs selected a few songs on different Gods and Goddesses such as Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva, Devi, Ganesh, Dattatreya, Rama and other gods going around the streets either in the city, village or in the Ashram itself. When a group of devotees goes on the streets of a town or village and loudly sings the holy names of the lord to the accompaniment of cymbals, mridangas and karatals, that is called Nagara Sankirtana. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who is Krishna Himself, the supreme personality of Godhead, personally propagated Sankirtans. Sankirtana takes the mercy of Krsna’s holy names to the spiritually dull mass of people and indeed, to all living entities, who would otherwise have no exposure to Krishna consciousness. Public chanting purifies the contaminated atmosphere of Kali-yuga, and anyone who takes part in it becomes dearer to lord Caitanya. Distribution of Srila Prabhupada's books and Krsna-Prasadam make the Sankirtana party even more transcendentally enlivening. Devotees at Iskcon Amritsar regularly go out for Hari Naam Sankirtanas in the streets of Amritsar. Come and participate in Harinama Sankirtana as often as possible. Nagar Sankirtan is an august occasion to promote open public connection wiping out the discrimination among people by fortifying the social texture. Nagar Sankirtan can revive and reestablish our imperiled cultural heritage as well as harmony. In the pervasive condition of violence and vengeance, Nagar Sankirtan, by the virtue of its tendency and appeal, sets up a genuine connection of brotherhood and empathy and in addition hoists the religious spirit. The world today has profoundly felt the need of the irreplaceable “Hari Naam Maha-mantra”. The prophecy of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has turned out to be a fact as expected that “Hari Naam Maha-mantra” will spread to cover all villages and towns of the world one day. Furthermore, humanity today is resonating to the recurrence of the all universal chant breaking the reservations of various communities and cultures. For world peace, Harinama Sankirtana is organized in the lanes of Hubli-Dharwad each fortnight. More than 200 devotees join the immense chant for deliverance and resonate the Holy name. The devotees are altogether submerged in the ecstasy of chanting the Holy Name of Krishna. The Nagar Sankirtana closes with extravagant and delectable Krishna prasadam. Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swami devotees conduct Nagara Sankirtana in  their Ashrams – Mysore, Hyderabad, etc.  Sri Swamiji says, when we hear the sounds of songs, “it reverberates to a long distance. In the old world, they used to say that the sound of the bell on the hills of Tirupati used to be heard across the kingdom. The power of sound is such. This is a direct answer to those who wonder what good we are doing to the world by singing in the streets of Hyderabad. The waves of our sound reach far corners of the world and bring peace and happiness to the world. How much service can we do to the world? We have our human limitations. We can’t serve the world physically beyond those limitations. Only by singing God’s name with devotion, we can serve all the people in the world. This tradition has been followed by Lord Hanuman and other great men like Tambura, Narada, Tyagaraja, MuthuSwami Deekshitulu, Shyama Shastry, Ramanujacharya, Madhvacharya and the like. Today, our Sadguru, the living incarnation of Datta Himself is promoting this tradition. This year’s Nagara Sankeerthana is the second. We did the first in the year of Nandana. We should do this every year. I pray God to make it possible.”  Sri Satya Sai Baba is communicating to the whole world lessons in spiritual practices. One of the important items of these spiritual activities is Nagara Sankeerthana. Nagara Sankeerthana should be carried out in every hamlet, village, town and city. At dawn no other sound but the name of God should be heard. This will yield immense benefit. It purifies the mind as well as the environment. On waking, if one loudly intones the divine names of Rama, Krishna, Govinda, Damodara, Sankara, Durga and Lakshmi, one's heart gets cleared of impurity. Sathya (truth), Dharma (duty), Santhi (peace) and Prema (love) get firmly implanted there. Moreover, waking up in the Brahma Muhurta is itself a wholesome habit. It is good for health; the mind gets alert; the heart is filled with happiness; all the organs are purified. Sri Sai Bhagavan has given instructions that all devotees should assemble at one place, conduct intonation of Pranavam (i.e. Om), and recite Suprabhatham. Lord Caitanya inaugurated Nagar Sankirtana with thousands of devotees, in the face of threats of imprisonment, torture and death. Devotees around the world continue to perform Nagar Sankirtana to the best of their capacity Srila Prabhupada considered public chanting to be the heart and soul of the Hare Krishna movement. In his correspondence to devotees, he would encourage them to engage in Sankirtana on the streets and during college engagements. Let us all be a part of the perfect divine fate and appreciate the everlasting bliss of Sankirtana with all and one despite the caste, class and creed. Donations are appreciated; By Zelle: PayPal: By Check: You can also send a check payable to GHHF,14726 Harmony Lane, Frisco, TX 75035. It is tax-deductible. By Rupees: call 601-918-7111; +91 83096 43979 {{album_1157}}
23 Jul 2024

[GHHF] Updates on our Activities at the Ground level July 1-10.

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation was started in 2006 with a mission to preserve, protect and promote Sanatana Dharma and free Hindu Temples from the government control. We are organizing a few activities at the ground level such as Bala Samskar Kendras, Grama Devata renovation, sponsor a priest, making Hindus, Hindus: annadanam, water and Buttermilk distribution, helping Flood victims and a host of other activities. Visit our website for more information: 1. Bala Samskar Kendras – Students learned about Rani Durgavti, her heroism, battles with Muslims and administration. (7/1) Durgavati gave top priority to the administration of justice. The people are provided with the necessary facilities. Lakes, ponds and canals were built. She was a great administrator who built the "Ranithal" reservoir near Jabalpur on the Narmada River and provided drinking water to around 13 thousand villages. More than fifty small forts were built in the forest areas around the capital for the defense of the kingdom. More than 50 wars were fought during their administration. Along with the construction of a new temple in the kingdom, renovation programs of the old temples were also undertaken.   2. Update on our activities at the ground level – June 11-20, 2024. (7/2) Global Hindu Heritage Foundation was started in 2006 with a mission to preserve, protect and promote Sanatana Dharma and free Hindu Temples from the government control. We are organizing a few activities at the ground level such as Bala Samskar Kendras, Grama Devata renovation, sponsor a priest, making Hindus, Hindus: annadanam, water and Buttermilk distribution, helping Flood victims and a host of other activities. Visit our website for more information:       3. Bala Samskar Kendras – Students learned about Rajendra Lahiri, his struggles to free India from British, revolutionary efforts and his hanging to death. (7/3) Rajendra Lahiri was born on 29th June 1901 in Pabna district (now part of Bangladesh). His full name was Rajendranath Lahiri, at the time of his birth his father Ksiti Mohan Lahiri was in jail for his involvement in the freedom struggle. From his childhood, Lahiri learned to fight for the country's independence from his home. At the age of nine, he went to his uncle's house in Kashi region for his education, and since then all his education has been done in Kashi. During those days, Rajendra Lahari came in contact with the famous freedom revolutionary Sachindranath Sanyal, and from then on he used to attend the secret meetings of the Hindustan Republican Association.   4. Bala Samskar Kendras – Students learned about the consequences of bad friendship –the story of Sparrow and Crows. (7/4) Once upon a time there was an innocent sparrow in a village. One day, a group of crows met that madman who had no impurities in his mind. Picchuka – sparrow (small singing bird) became friends with those crows. Everyone said to the sparrow – don't make friends with those crows, they are not good.,But he didn't listen to those words. One day a group of crows were going somewhere and asked the bird to come along with them. The innocent bird blindly trusted the crows and went with them without asking where or why.   5. Cow Puja was performed as part of “Intinta Shiva Abhishekam,” in a Dalit’s house in Andepalli Village where about 75 people participated. (7/5) Cows are a manifestation of the Mother Goddess Gau Mata. Hindus believe the cow to be a sacred animal, providing life-sustaining milk. This milk is considered the divine prasadam or holy offering, and on select festivals, she is decorated and worshiped.As per the legend, during Samudra Mantana, “Many gems, animal and gods emerged from ocean churning which took place between Gods and Demons. Kamadhenu, the divine also emerged during ocean churning which has the capacity to fulfil every desire. Once Kamadhenu reached the ashram of sage Vasishta. King Dilipan was childless. Hence, sage Vasishta advised him to worship Kamadhenu to obtain a child. The king started worshipping Kamadhenu and he was blessed with a child. Kamadhenu also helped sage Vashista in building up an army to fight a battle against Vishwamitra who wanted to take away Kamadhenu.” 6. Organizing Bhajans in the villages and Bala Samskar Kendras to grow spiritually,identify with the Divine and imbibe positive vibration. (7/6)  A bhajan is a Hindu devotional song, often of ancient origin. Bhajans are often simple songs in lyrical language expressing emotions of love for the Divine, whether for a single God and Goddess, or any number of divinities. Many bhajans feature several names and aspects of the chosen deity, especially in the case of Hindu Sahasra Namas, which list a divinity's 1008 names. Great importance is attributed to the singing of bhajans with Bhakti, i.e. loving devotion. "Rasanam Lakshanam Bhajanam" means the act by which we feel more closer to our inner self or God, is a bhajan. Acts which are done for the God is called bhajan. 7. Bala Samskar Kendras – Students learned from Proud Bull that you are respected for what you do but not what you are. (7/7) In a village there was a tradition of taking the god as a procession every year. Every year in the village they celebrate a festival, perform pujas, clean all the streets for the procession and decorate them beautifully with mugs, arches, flowers. A bullock cart was built for the procession. The cart was washed, painted with turmeric, decorated with flowers and decorated with flowers. And what about the bull that pulled the cart? They used to choose the healthiest and strongest bull in the village. The bull was bathed, bathed, belled and dressed in silk to make the bull's skin shiny.   8. Chicago Chapter cordially invites you to attend GHHF organized presentation discussions on "Will Hinduism Survive in India". (7/8) “Will Hinduism Survive in India" – Registration is Required Global Hindu Heritage Foundation, Chicago Chapter cordially invites you to attend and encourage your friends in Chicago area to attend GHHF organized presentation discussions on "Will Hinduism Survive in India" Date: Sunday July 14th, 2024Time: 02:00 PM to 05:00 PM at Venue: National India Hub; 930 National Parkway, Schaumburg, IL 60173. Snacks and tea will be provided.                 9. Update on our activities at the ground level – June 21-30, 2024. (7/9) Global Hindu Heritage Foundation was started in 2006 with a mission to preserve, protect and promote Sanatana Dharma and free Hindu Temples from the government control. We are organizing a few activities at the ground level such as Bala Samskar Kendras, Grama Devata renovation, sponsor a priest, making Hindus, Hindus: annadanam, water and Buttermilk distribution, helping Flood victims and a host of other activities. Visit our website for more information:       10. About 25 Christians and Muslims retuned to Sanatana Dharma from 5 Christian families and 2 from Allipeera Muslim community in Anantapur District. (7/10) A total of 7 families near Narayanapuram Gramamshiwalam. 5 families from Christianity, 2 families from Allipeera (Muslim). In our Sanatana dharma, puja and homa program was organized and invited into Hindu dharma. For those who became our Hindus, in the Gharwapsi program, Tilak was applied first to everyone on their foreheads, then our priest recited Sankalpam to everyone and their gotranams were recited.   Donations are appreciated; By Zelle: PayPal: By Check: You can also send a check payable to GHHF,14726 Harmony Lane, Frisco, TX 75035. It is tax-deductible. By Rupees: call 601-918-7111; +91 83096 43979
22 Jul 2024

Guru Purnima 2024 – Reflecting on Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji.

Guru Purnima 2024 – Reflecting on Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji.   By  Prakasarao V Velagapudi, PhD Vyasa Guru Purnima is an important, auspicious, sacred, and spiritual day to celebrate the significance of a Sadguru who is unique to the Hindu way of life. It is a festival that allows us to express our deep-hearted respect, reverence, and gratitude towards our Guru!  This is an occasion for all the disciples to clean their minds and purify their hearts. It is celebrated on a full moon day in the month of Ashada Masa (July-August). Guru Purnima is also known as Vyasa Purnima. It is to celebrate the contribution of Veda Vyasa and express our gratitude to him as a Guru who codified the knowledge. Veda Vyasa was born on this full moon day in the month of Ashada Masa. Vyasa is the one who completed the codification of the Vedas into four distinct parts – Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Atharvana Veda, and Sama Veda. He wrote Puranas, which reveal the essence and spiritual meaning of Vedas in a story that is told to common people. He is also credited with the writing of Bhahmasutras, the quintessence of Vedas, which allows learned people to grapple with higher-level knowledge. He not only wrote the classic Mahabharata, but he played a crucial role. How do we identify a Guru? As explained by Osho, “Guru is like a full moon, and disciple is like Ashadh (the month of clouds and rains). The moon of Sharad Purnima is beautiful because it is in the empty sky. There is no disciple then; the Guru is alone. If the same beauty happens in Ashadh, then it is something where the Guru is surrounded by clouds like disciples. The disciples have come with the darkness of many lives. They are like dark clouds; they are the weather of Ashadha. If the Guru can shine like a full moon in that atmosphere of darkness, and if he can produce light in that atmosphere of darkness, only then will he be the Guru. That’s why Ashadh Purnima is Guru Purnima. It has an indication towards the guru and an indication towards the disciple. And naturally, where these two meet, there is meaningfulness.” Many devotees and non-devotees alike are beset with numerous dark clouds and various levels of problems. To remove these dark clouds, reduce stress, live in peace of mind, receive the proper guidance, awaken the consciousness, throttle the ego, and grow spiritually, Sri Swamiji’s guidance, love, and compassion are essential. Since Sri Swamiji is an embodiment of divine qualities such as detachment, contentment, forgiveness, scriptural knowledge, wisdom, and equanimity, Sri Swamiji is in a better position to assess and profess the appropriate decision to mend the minds of his devotees and render a fitting decision even about non-spiritual matters. Without a guru, there is no self-realization or self-examination. For some, a mere darshan of Swamiji clears their doubts, and they come out smiling. It is an individual experience; nobody can describe it. Not even the experiencer can document his own experience. It is beyond one’s ability to express, and the words fail to describe it. Paul Brunton expressed that feeling after meeting Ramana Maharshi: In the presence of the Maharshi, one felt security and inward peace. The spiritual radiations that emanated from him were all-penetrating. I learnt to recognise in his person the sublime truths which he taught, while I was no less hushed into reverence by his incredibly sainted atmosphere. He possessed a deific personality which defies description. I might have taken shorthand notes of the discourse of the Sage, I might even print the record of his speech; but the most important part of his utterances, the subtle and silent flavour of spirituality which emanated from him, can never be reported. Today, let us remember his divine personality, time-tested wisdom, boundless compassion, and ever-watchful eye over his devotees. We are most fortunate to have our Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji, as a Sadguru, manifested as a Brahma, Vishnu, and Maheshwara in a physical form so that we can perform Guru Pada Puja to His Divine Personality. It is indeed a rare occasion for many disciples who can be with Guru on this Guru Purnima Day. Devotees who are not fortunate enough to be with Sri Swamiji, in his utmost compassion, made all the arrangements for all of us to watch Him conduct Guru Purnima celebrations from Chicago. Sri Swamiji, who is the Avatara of Lord Dattatreya himself, is present in our hearts to emulate, cherish, and learn the essence of the meaning of life. He is a Sadguru only to remove the darkness, light the wick of ignorance, guide us to the right path, impart the meaning of light, bring happiness to our lives, pour the amrita (ambrosia) into the hearts of all his disciples, kindle spirituality and impart knowledge to follow the path of self-knowledge. Guru Purnima is a noteworthy day as we remember our Guru. We remember His precious qualities and draw inspiration from them to take small baby steps on the path he has walked and cherish these qualities. Why do we need a Guru? All the scriptures and Gurus have emphasized the need for a Guru to help spiritual aspirants travel on the spiritual path. It is only the Guru who will find out your defects, tap your agony, discern your anguish, and grasp your dilemmas. Our ignorance and ego usually come in the way of finding our own defects. Guru can help you find the real you and unmask the clouded character. Constant association with the Guru will help remove the thorns that are preventing you from treading the spiritual path. All great ones had their teachers. All the sages, saints, prophets, world teachers, incarnations, and great men have had their own Gurus, however great they might have been. Govindacharya learned from Gaudapadacharya; Sankaracharya from Govindacharya, Suresvaracharya from Sankaracharya; Gorakhnath from Matsyendranath; Nivrittinath from Gorakhnath; Jnanadev from Nivrittinath; Sri Ramakrishna from Totapuri; and Swami Vivekananda from Sri Ramakrishna. Svetaketu learned the nature of Truth from Uddalaka, Maitreyi from Yajnavalkya, Bhrigu from Varuna, Narada from Sanatkumara, Nachiketa from Yama, and Indra from Prajapati. Several others humbly went to the wise ones, observed strict Brahmacharya rules, practiced rigorous discipline, and learned Brahma-Vidya from them. Lord Krishna sat at the feet of His Guru Sandipani. Lord Rama had Guru Vasishta, who gave Him Upadesa. Even Devas have Brihaspati as their Guru. Even the greatest of divine beings sat at the feet of Guru Dakshinamurti, a silent teacher. A beginner must first have a personal Guru. To begin with, he cannot have God as a Guru. He must have a pure mind, ethical perfection, intense virtuousness, and above-body consciousness. Then alone can he have God as Guru. Kabirdas, the fifteenth-century mystic, clearly records the status of Guru as follows: “In the midst of the highest heaven there is a shining light; he who has no Guru cannot reach the place; he only reaches, who is under the guidance of a true Guru.” Sadguru is the One who has seen what He has to see, learned what He has to learn, heard what He has to hear, acquired what He has to acquire, and realized what He has to realize. He is here in this physical world in front of all of us at His will only to help, guide, console, comfort, and remove the darkness among all of us. His love for His devotees is unconditional, His concerns unequal, His compassion unparalleled, His attention undivided, and His interest unsurpassed. Guru is absolute, supreme, and an embodiment of God. His existence is beyond the limits of time, form, and gunas (attributes). Tulasidas observes in Ramayana: “Sadguru infuses the power in the disciple to distinguish between the eternal and the perishable. He makes such arrangements that the disciple is able to feel the insignificance of the sensual experiences. As when properly instigated, a piece of coal turns radiant and hot, the human soul in the disciple can also unite with the absolute when the Sadguru destroys the indomitable self.” It is exceedingly difficult to come close to a Sadguru. It is the only Punya karmas (virtuous deeds) of so many previous lives that can bring one to be with a Sadguru. He is a Purna (Full) Being who possesses everything that envelopes the universe. Sadguru gives a new life to his disciples who are ready to open their hearts to receive the secrets of life. He has the capacity to know the dormant forces that lie within a disciple, and he will awaken these forces at an appropriate time. He is comforting, soothing, assuring, reassuring, and illuminating like a full moon showering countless blessings on his disciples.             Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji says that a devotee should carefully select a Guru. Devotees must make every effort to learn the qualities of a Guru, his knowledge of scriptures, and his passion to transform the devotees toward a spiritual path. He says, “Guru is the beacon of light of the suffering humanity. He occupies a venerable post, but he does not have ego. He voluntarily comes down to the level of the disciple and guides him. A true Guru loves his disciple and guides him. A true Guru loves his disciple as parents love their children.”             Gurus are worshipped as embodiments of Gods. Guru is the one who enlightens you and guides you to cross the ocean of samsara. Human birth is riddled with troubles, ailments, and uncertainties. We become directionless, despondent, and desperate for proper advice at certain times in our lives. Hence, the Guru is imminent in one’s life to lift us from the material world to the spiritual path. Hinduism Today states in the April/May/June 2020 issue that “it is the guru’s task to lead aspirants to God. He sets souls on the spiritual path, corrects those strays, softens karma, inspires lifelong practice, and, through initiations, awakens the seeker's superconscious knowing. He helps us become aware of our shortcomings and strengthens and gives us tools to overcome weaknesses and refine ourselves.” (P:27)   On this Guru Purnima Day, let us resolve ourselves to know the importance of a Guru in one’s life, how to glorify the greatness of a Guru, how to reminisce the rindless blessings of a guru, and how to pay our gratitude for his limitless love to his devotees. Thus, Bhagawan Krishna said that we need to sit at the holy feet of a Sadguru and admonished us to learn in Bhagavad Gita: “Learn the Truth by approaching a spiritual master. Inquire from him with reverence and render service unto him. Such an enlightened Saint can impart knowledge unto you because he has seen the Truth. (4:34)   Guru Pada Puja It is customary to perform Pada Puja to the Lotus Feet of a living Sadguru on Guru Purnima. It is indeed a rare opportunity for a disciple to participate in that kind of Pada Puja. Why is it so important to perform Pada Puja? The Guru’s Feet are worshiped because Guru’s Shakti dwells in the Feet. The vibrations of the inner self constantly flow out through the Feet. The nerves that come from the Sahasrara reach right down to the Feet. Feet supports the whole body. This is the reason the Feet are given so much importance. More Shakti flows from the Feet than any other part of the body. Kularnava Tantra says: “Remember the Guru’s Sandals …They provide protection against great diseases, great disturbances, great evils, great fears, great calamities and great sins.” According to all the scriptures, the Foot of the Guru is not an ordinary Foot.Gurupaddangre paadodakam Ganga. All holy waters, including Mother Ganga, live in the Guru’s Feet. This is what you should think in your heart when worshiping the Guru. All holy waters, all Devatas, or angels, and all sacred hills abide in the Guru’s Feet. One should have firm Sankalpa (intention, determination) to behold all gods in Guru’s Feet. The Trimurthis – Brahma, Vishnu, Siva – live in Guru’s Feet. These three Divine Forms symbolize removing the three qualities of nature that keep the soul in bondage. The three qualities are tamas (sense of ego), rajas (passion, desire), and sattva (goodness and purity). When these three qualities are removed, then the soul becomes free, pure, and Chinmaya (full of light). So, after Guru Pada Puja, it is especially important to surrender the three qualities to the Divine Trinity, along with all the unhealthy habits and selfish ego. This is the significance of self-surrender to the Guru’s Feet. Especially on Guru Purnima Day, Pada Puja assumes even greater significance since it bestows countless blessings, peace of mind, and mental satisfaction.             Guru’s shakti (energy) dwells in the feet. The holy feet serve as an anchor for the whole body. The energy constantly flows from the Sahasrara chakra to the holy feet. Bhakta Tukaram says, “If you have faith in the Guru’s Holy feet, if you have deep feeling for the Guru’s Holy feet, if you imbibe the state of the Guru, then you don’t have to look for God, God will come looking for you.” Adi Shankaracharya composed a song on the importance of Padukas during his first meeting with his Guru, Sri Govind Bhagavadpada. We will list three of the eight verses to know how prostrations at the lotus feet of a Sadguru would fetch benefits to his devotees. Those who prostrate to the blessed sandals of their Guru become possessors of great wealth and overcome the curse of their poverty very quickly. To such sandals my infinite prostrations. Attracting us to the Lotus-like feet of our Guru, removing all kinds of desires borne out of ignorance, fulfilling all the desires of the disciple who bows humbly To such sandals, I humbly offer my obeisance. They are like an eagle for all the serpents of desires, Blessing us with the valuable treasure of discrimination and renunciation, Granting us the knowledge to get instant liberation from the shackles of life, My prostrations to those holy sandals of my Guru. Worship on Guru Purnima Day             On this day, it is the responsibility of a devotee to connect with his Guru, whether you are in his presence or away from him physically. Remember Vyasa Bhagawan, Lord Dattatreya and the long line of Gurus, and Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji along with Jaya Lakshmi Mata. If you are in the physical presence of Sri Swamiji, have his darshan in line, touch his padukas, and offer Dakshina.   If you are not physically present at your house, you can have his picture and Padukas on the altar, offer prayers, and perform puja to Sri Swamiji’s picture and the Guru Paramapara. The best way to follow him is to listen to his discourses, read his books, listen to his music, sing his bhajans, practice meditation taught by his guru, visit the nearby Temples, and work toward preserving Hindu dharma. Swami Sivananda says, "The best form of worship of the guru is to follow his teachings, to shine as the very embodiment of his teachings, and to propagate his glory and his message." Further, he says that a devotee “may observe the vow of silence and study the books or writings of your guru, or mentally reflect upon his teachings. Take fresh resolve on this holy day, to tread the spiritual path. Also remember the sloka in Guru Gita: Dhyaana moolam guror murtih; Pooja moolam guror padam; Mantra moolam guror vakyam; Moksha moolam guror kripa   “The Guru’s form should be meditated upon; the feet of the Guru should be worshipped; his words are to be treated as a sacred Mantra; his Grace ensures final liberation”.
21 Jul 2024

[GHHF] Last Burial rites were performed to Gaumata as per our customs; Importance of burying the dead Gaumata.

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation came to know that a Gaumata took her last breath in a village. The information given by local youths that a cow was dead in Srirama Nagar in Dhon town, with the help of elders in the village, we were able to get a tractor. Our Pracharaks and others were able to load up the Cow onto the tractor and move her out of the village and the last rites were performed according to tradition. Sri Gopi Krishna Achary talked about the significance of and impact of burying in the open land or fertile land.  According to the saying “Gao Visvasya Matarah”, cow is the mother of everything in this universe.  When we are born in mother's womb, we drink mother's milk only till a certain age. But cow's milk is best for our life from birth till death. “Visvasyamataraha” means mother of all universe. What is special about such a cow is that there are 33 crore deities in cows. Our Hindu tradition says that only one cow has this opportunity. Each part of cow i.e. eye, legs, belly, like this, there is one God.  So, if a cow dies, it is said to be buried. Why should it be buried? It means that if a cow dies by itself, not when it is killed, if a cow dies by itself, then we bury it.  Wherever we bury it, around 180 m, which means approximately 540 feet from the ground, that area will be receiving many vibrations, and it would affect that area in a very positive way.  If you bury a cow when it dies, wherever you bury it, from three acres to 5 acres, there is a 80 percent chance that the microorganisms inside it will die. Only a cow carcass has that power. That power will not be possible even if there is any other person. This is a scientific reason and if we usually bury any creature, animal or human being, it will take about six months to 8 months, a year, two years, depending on some creatures, it will take up to two years to get integrated into the ground. A mere cow would otherwise be assimilated into the whole earth within about four months. According to the text of science, elders say that excess energy from this can be used as fertilizer for the earth.  Donations are appreciated; By Zelle: PayPal: By Check: You can also send a check payable to GHHF,14726 Harmony Lane, Frisco, TX 75035. It is tax-deductible. By Rupees: call 601-918-7111; +91 83096 43979 {{album_1156}}
20 Jul 2024

[GHHF] Shiva Abhishekam in every house was conducted, cow puja was performed, and Bhajans were conducted in a Dalit Community to make them feel united.

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation started with a mission to preserve, protect and promote the richness of Sanatana Dharma. To accomplish this goal, we felt that it is the utmost of the hour to teach about our culture, traditions, mantras, rituals, morals, and our national heroes. Also work toward the renovation and revival of Hindu Temples, open the neglected Temples, protecting the animals, and protecting the environment  In Dasampally village of Kalyanadurgam Mandal, a program called Shiva Aradhana was organized at the house of the priests of Kollapuramma temple, Ravi Gari, which is in Dalit Wada.  Especially since Naveen's wife Swati has not had a child even after five years of marriage, both are going to church after listening to the words of the Christian pastors that if you believe in our God, you will have a child. Sri Gopi chary and our Pracharaks talked to them and convinced them to follow Sanatana dharma and on the same day they were given new clothes at Ravi's house and made to sit in the Shiva worship program. We told them to come to next month's Ghar Wapsi program and said that it will be good if they do mandal diksha and they should practice this from today and go to the temple in your village and take the blessings of Goddess every day.  First, everyone performed Gaupuja and circumambulated the cow. The cow is the most sacred of all the animals of Hinduism. It is known as Kamadhenu, or the divine cow, and the giver of all desires. According to legend, she emerged from the ocean of milk at the time of samudramanthan or the great churning of the ocean by the gods and demons. It is believed that Brahma gave life to priests and cows same time so that the priests could recite religious scriptures while cows could afford ghee (clarified butter) as offering in rituals. Anyone who kills cows or allows others to kill them is deemed to rot in hell as many years as there are hairs upon his body. Likewise, the bull is depicted as a vehicle of Lord Shiva: a symbol of respect for the male cattle After the Gadapu (Threshold) Puja, gotras of all the Hindu relatives who came from the surrounding areas were recited. Later Navagraha Puja, Shiva Abhishekam was done by everyone, Govinda names were chanted and finally Maha Mangalaharati wa given to the deity, and they were blessed by tying protection bracelets to everyone.  Similarly, a short story told as to why we worship Lord Shiva in every house. A Brahmin, and a barber story about the uniqueness of devotion was narrated. Then theertha prasada viyogam and annadana program was organized, bhajan was done and the program was successful.  A flag with an image of Anjaneya Swamy was given and tied on the house and Ram Naam was recited as Jai Shri Ram Jai Jai Shri Ram. Donations are appreciated; By Zelle: PayPal: By Check: You can also send a check payable to GHHF,14726 Harmony Lane, Frisco, TX 75035. It is tax-deductible. By Rupees: call 601-918-7111; +91 83096 43979 {{album_1155}}
19 Jul 2024

[GHHF] Bala Samskar Kendras – Students learned about Mangal Pandey, his revolt against British and his death by hanging.

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation started with a mission to preserve, protect and promote the richness of Sanatana Dharma. To accomplish this goal, we felt that it is the utmost of the hour to teach about our culture, traditions, mantras, rituals, morals, and our national heroes. Also work toward the renovation and revival of Hindu Temples, open the neglected Temples, protecting the animals, and protecting the environment. This week the students learned about the patriotism of Mangal Pandey.One thing becomes clear to all of us if we observe the independence movement of the country carefully. They fought not only to drive out the foreign invaders but also to maintain the culture and customs of this country. Foreign Muslim looters, foreign Christian looters have not only robbed us but also committed many atrocities disrespecting our cultural roots. Due to this, the flames of rebellion were raised on a large scale among the common people as well. The proof of that is the first sepoy mutiny in the country's independence movement. The British recruited Indians as soldiers with Indian money and ruled the Indians as slaves. So many Indians served as sepoys in the British army. Many did the work willingly. But when the Indian sepoys were told to kill a cow, the most revered of Indians, and apply the fat to the bullets and use them, their morals, which had been dormant until then, awakened their cultural roots and made them fight against the British government. "Looking like this, there is no doubt that Gomata was the cause of the Sepoy Mutiny, which is said to be the starting point of the country's freedom struggle." Mangal Pandey was born on 19 July 1827 to Nagwada Diwakar Pandey in Uttar Pradesh. As a child, he attended science school and studied surgery. Mangal Pandey served as a sepoy in the 34th Bengal Regiment in the British Army. The British used to give the sepoys bullet cartridges made of cow fat. The cartridge was thought to be greased with animal fat, mainly from cows and pigs, which Hindus and Muslims, respectively, could not eat (the former a holy animal of the Hindus and the latter being abhorrent to Muslims). Before use, the cartridges had to be bitten at one end. Some Indian troops in some regiments believed it was a deliberate act by the British to defile their religions. He bit his mouth and removed the skin of the tusks, and as he did not want to use the tusks coated with cow fat, his self-esteem, which had been dormant till then, rose up, and he gathered his fellow sepoys and raised a voice of defiance against the British government. They killed two British officers and started a mutiny. Many heroes like Jhansi Lakshmibai, Maratha Peshwa Nanasaheb, Tantia Tope, who had been waiting for an opportunity till then with the spirit of military rebellion, fought against the East India Company. After that the British with a large army crushed the movement and imprisoned Mangal Pandey and hanged him on 8th April, 1857. Remembering Mangal Pandey means remembering those military heroes who fought for the country's pride and for Gomata. It seems really shameful that today's generation, born in this land, who fought for the cow, for Dharma despite knowing that their lives will be lost, live as if nothing is being done even though lakhs of cows are being killed, Dharma and temples are being attacked around them in independent India. Today's generation needs to be made soldiers who will fight for dharma and country. Donations are appreciated; By Zelle: PayPal: By Check: You can also send a check payable to GHHF,14726 Harmony Lane, Frisco, TX 75035. It is tax-deductible. By Rupees: call 601-918-7111; +91 83096 43979 {{album_1154}}
18 Jul 2024

[GHHF] Performed Shiva Abhishekam, organized Bhajans in a cave on the top of the Mountain to revive the past glory of the Sri Ramalingeswara Temple in a Village near Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh.

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation started with a mission to preserve, protect and promote the richness of Sanatana Dharma. To accomplish this goal, we felt that it is the utmost of the hour to teach about our culture, traditions, mantras, rituals, morals, and our national heroes. Also work toward the renovation and revival of Hindu Temples, open the neglected Temples, protecting the animals, and protecting the environment. This week, our Pracharaks under the leadership of Sri Gopi Krishna Sastry climbed the mountain to do Abhishekam to Sri Ramalingeswara Temple in a Cave and conduct Bhajans. Today in Gadepalli village, the ancient temple of Sri Ramalingeswara Swamy has been built on the top of the hill, according to the information of the villagers, all the Hindu relatives in the village went to the hill to see the temple. India is known for magnificent Temples built over so many centuries. Temples were not only important sites for religious worship but also served as centers of learning, art, community gatherings and festivals. Temples held great wealth and were the pride of the communities in which they were built. Such temples became targets for foreign invasion or destruction. Conquering temples could be a source of wealth, social and political control.  Many Hindu Temples were destroyed, idols broken, insulted the Murty Worship and offended Hindu temple worshippers. Because of the destruction of Hindu temples and threats to the lives of Hindus, many Hindus distanced themselves from going to the Temples. Thus, many Temples on the mountains and high hills were neglected because of the fear for their lives. Many temples in remote villages and on top of the hills become unknown to the present generation. Since Independence, many Hindus are trying to restore some of the demolished Temples and start reviving the Temple worship and renewing the our rich traditions.  One such attempt by GHHF was to identify one of the ancient Temple in a small village on top of the hill and plan for resuming the tradition worship of Lord Shiva. This Shiva temple is built in a cave on the hill. In the past, puja programs were held every day to satisfy the desires of the devotees of this Shiva temple. We learned that a Guru has also become a Jiva Samadhi here, so that this Shiva temple fulfills the desires of the devotees. But there is a belief that the works planned by the devotees will be fulfilled. Even now, every Shivaratri, many devotees in the village come for darshan. We collected details by asking the priests who have been ding Abhishekam to the Shiva temple every week for the past three generations. But very few people know there exists a Shiva Temple there.   After that, they said that they will perform bhajans in the Shiva temple and get the blessings of Lord Shiva and try to return to the past glory by doing Abhishekam and conducting Bhajans.  Donations are appreciated; By Zelle: PayPal: By Check: You can also send a check payable to GHHF,14726 Harmony Lane, Frisco, TX 75035. It is tax-deductible. By Rupees: call 601-918-7111; +91 83096 43979 {{album_1152}}
17 Jul 2024